How do you make money from writing?

Jikko Von Satsujin @devo1
How do you make money from writing?
Jikko Von Satsujin @devo1
Right now I'm wondering this as I have been trying for a week now to get money from my writing. It seems like nobody wants my writing just because I won't publicly post them so someone could easily steal them from me. I don't know what to do or what to say right now. If anybody has any tips for me or a way to advertise my writing commission's better I would be thankful as I really need help right now.....

kuroshiro_2573 @kuroshiro_2573
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How do you make money from writing?
kuroshiro_2573 @kuroshiro_2573
Try contacting a publishing company and see if they will take it. Trying to do so otherwise can be an issue until you get your name out there, so start out easy.

Jikko Von Satsujin @devo1
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How do you make money from writing?
Jikko Von Satsujin @devo1
Right now it seems like an issue and of itself right now I have I'm trying to get my name out there the old fashion way but I'm scared that no Publishing Company would want a writer like me.

kuroshiro_2573 @kuroshiro_2573
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How do you make money from writing?
kuroshiro_2573 @kuroshiro_2573
Think about what kind of genre of writing you do and then try seeing which companies often publish works like that, then. The only other tip I can think of is to make a sample writing and publish it on the net or even write an introductory piece for the net and let that accumulate people who want to see newer works from you.

Jikko Von Satsujin @devo1
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How do you make money from writing?
Jikko Von Satsujin @devo1
The thing about that is that every publisher or writer right now only wants money and I'm broke as a joe as I'm trying to get my book out there or even a poem or even a little bit of writing to help me get by. If they ask me to write a book I would write the hell out of it if I'm getting paid a lot of money but if nothing's going to happen for me then what's the point of me writing and writing poems when all I'm doing is letting my potential go to waste.

MidastheAlchemist @jtibbs
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How do you make money from writing?
MidastheAlchemist @jtibbs
That's the struggle of any art form though. You have to be able to break out and show your potential. Some people have it easier with connections, others take time. There's always the possibility that it won't go anywhere, but giving it up completely will obviously ultimately mean it won't go anywhere.

Jikko Von Satsujin @devo1
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How do you make money from writing?
Jikko Von Satsujin @devo1
I have been writing poems and writing stories for 3 years now but when it comes to writing completely I have been doing that since I was a little kid. I have been writing stories since I was I think at least four or five but I've been writing poems ever since I was 16.

kuroshiro_2573 @kuroshiro_2573
commented on
How do you make money from writing?
kuroshiro_2573 @kuroshiro_2573
Not sure how to help then, those are the only ways I know of without having to sign a sketchy contract.

Jikko Von Satsujin @devo1
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How do you make money from writing?
Jikko Von Satsujin @devo1
Thanks for trying though

MidastheAlchemist @jtibbs
commented on
How do you make money from writing?
MidastheAlchemist @jtibbs
You get rejected, it's going to happen. Even J.K. Rowling's works for Harry Potter got rejected. Its an inevitability you have to accept and get over. The thing is you take those rejections, hopefully they provide insight as to why they rejected, but work on it to make it something better, or make something else that's better.
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