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Anime noob poking in

Hey all! Freshly made account just out of the oven here! So what can I really say that my info doesn't already? Well, maybe not too much that comes to mind. I did use to roleplay very actively for years. So much so, I'd like to call myself an advanced literate. Aside from that? Ehh...I really am a bit of an anime noob. I've only fully watched three animes of which two is hard to remember. I'm hoping you could give me some pointers my way if you'd be so kind :D be it in the comments or adding me. Adding me is accepted no matter what anyway! But I gotta say, the site seems pretty cool from what I've seen. I hope we can get on well and make some bonds on all levels wink wink XD. Edit: Oh, btw, if you know how to make camera pictures align normally, please, please, please tell me! It'd be a big help!
Has to be a horizontal picture. If the picture you've taken was done in portrait mode, it flips it for some reason.
Damn, guess I'll be the dude with the bendy wendy pics.
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