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Ok girls <3 Pretend you want a boyfriend, ask me some questions to see if we are compatible <3

Panda be like https://i.makeagif.com/media/7-28-2015/SS8hfs.gif
Ooook so. We talked a bit, she said i couldnt give her profile but i can give her first name. Its Jessica. We talked about our maiotaku accounts. I said ill get rid of it if she wants, but i found to my suprise that im enjoying the men here more than the woman (no homo bros) she laughed and said she likes yaoi. She wants me to remove my real pics lol honestly i like hearing that. I like clingy and possesive girls. Shes very silly and sexual and only serious during romance. She lives in nyc. Im going there next weekend to go to ninja new york resturant with her. We will also get REAL ramen. Im very happy with this site. feels like i just got into a nice hot tub.
It only took a dozen dikpix to win her over too (joking dont send dicpikz ppl)
Brendan, Seriously, good for you. I like seeing good come of this oft times lonely place. I'm certainly not on the market, but it's still nice seeing others get lucky, too. Best if luck to the future.:)
that's awesome dude! congrats~ always great to see people on this site using it for its intended purpose xD!! wish you two all the luck! (take lots of pictures for nee-chan!!)
Some people I've noticed do use this site as a dating site. It's finding one you can connect with that's the challenge.
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