The anime games "Tales of" series, anybody play?

brendan_james @brendan_james
The anime games "Tales of" series, anybody play?
brendan_james @brendan_james
Tales of berseria im about to play. These games are beautiful and great with a friend

wullahblack @wullahblack
commented on
The anime games "Tales of" series, anybody play?
wullahblack @wullahblack
I started Berseria but got distracted by other games.

brendan_james @brendan_james
commented on
The anime games "Tales of" series, anybody play?
brendan_james @brendan_james
Have u played other tales?

wullahblack @wullahblack
commented on
The anime games "Tales of" series, anybody play?
wullahblack @wullahblack
At a friend's house as player 2, but not one on my own, start to finish.
Well actually, i did play Phantasia on SNES.

shinu @shinu
commented on
The anime games "Tales of" series, anybody play?
shinu @shinu
I've also started Berseria and got distracted. I've basically completed Zestiria, but got distracted towards the end. I've beaten Symphonia, Abyss, Legendia, Graces f, Xillia, and Xillia 2. I've gotten near the end on Eternia, and I got distracted towards the middle of Vesperia, Phantasia, and Hearts R. I haven't played any of the rest.

brendan_james @brendan_james
commented on
The anime games "Tales of" series, anybody play?
brendan_james @brendan_james

Wow shinu distracted much!!?

brendan_james @brendan_james
commented on
The anime games "Tales of" series, anybody play?
brendan_james @brendan_james
Shinu, what were your favorites?

brendan_james @brendan_james
commented on
The anime games "Tales of" series, anybody play?
brendan_james @brendan_james
I like sword dancers and lemon gels
Abyss xillia symphonia best

shinu @shinu
commented on
The anime games "Tales of" series, anybody play?
shinu @shinu
In other words, those games failed to hold my interest. The only ones I realistically see myself going back to is Bersera, and then maybe Zestiria since I'm pretty much right at the end.
Abyss is probably my favorite. Strong plot. Strong characters. Decent battle system. Strong setting.
Symphonia had the best cast, probably. It's been a while since I've played through the game completely, but I still feel that all of those characters had compelling back stories, and felt relevant to the overall plot. Xillia 2 had the most interesting story, though. I really liked Ludger even though he didn't speak. My favorite character is Jade Curtiss. Most of Jade's character development happened before the events of the game, and so what you have in his character is a capable and easy going guy, who always has something interesting, informing, or funny to say.

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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The anime games "Tales of" series, anybody play?
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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