Life Advice

SoCKs @epsilon_52
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Life Advice
SoCKs @epsilon_52
Especially if hopeless romantics, you can't just confess love to people, you have to prove it to them, this will vary among to be "couples" but the principle remains the same.
Use all of the negativity that you remember, harbor etc from both the past and present as a motivator and tool.
Do not let fear control you or be an obstacle and instead learn and use that in which you regret or hate, etc to further better your life, rather than control or ruin it.
Fear of failure will perpetuate itself and you will indirectly cause yourself to fail even more or make you avoid doing that in which you fear failing, for exmaple.
If you love and care for someone dearly, you will have to stand your ground and convince them to feel the same as you do for them, or prove it to them in whichever way they may see fit, this is very difficult and relates to the concept that as long as you believe in yourself, and be yourself, and re convinced what you do and say is right. Somebody that is truly interested in the true you will fall for you. In other words keep doing what you believe is the best for yourself and those you care for, and the right person will come around/fall for you. The "not right person" will be disinterested or not fall for you, and your love should not be wasted on them. Be genuine and don't try to force what isn't meant to be.
^Could probably have worded this better but tired as fuck and a bunch of other factors, my post will end here but methinks I have a lot more life advice on hand, just way too much and some way too complicated, or maybe I'm too tired. :P
Sidenote/thought on my current love life; I think I've reached the point where I know what I want and can easily spot those that would have good chemistry with me, but lack the skills to prove it or get them interested, especially if I'm nervous around them, fuck something up, or due to me already making up my mind on them, am too open or move too fast. Most people will get intimidated by this as they generally prefer to take things slow or study a new person for much longer than I would study them. This is hard to explain but I'm essentially saying I trust my intuition and often get stuck in one sided love/friendship interest with people due to me trusting myself and them quickly WITHIN reason, not due to me seeking instant gratification, but they do not feel this strongly at the same level I do as quickly.
Feel free to ask me any questions or for life advice anybody that stumbles into me or reads this.

lilithotaku @lilithotaku
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Life Advice
lilithotaku @lilithotaku
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Lamby @momoichi
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Life Advice
Lamby @momoichi
something i just heard
"You're not friends with someone until you get in an argument and afterwards you can still be cool."

正義の味方 @gundamu
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Life Advice
正義の味方 @gundamu
^it's definitely the most surefire way to see who in your life is really in your corner. One argument shouldn't suddenly cause bridges to burn if they were truly your friend. :v

Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
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Life Advice
Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
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Lishifu @hakutaku
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Life Advice
Lishifu @hakutaku
Nine kanji, or rather Chinese characters for all of you.
誠:honesty 學:learning
靜:peace 忠:loyalty
愛: affection 忍: tolerance
勤:diligence 動:action

MidastheAlchemist @jtibbs
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Life Advice
MidastheAlchemist @jtibbs
Don't burn bridges. This is one thats been pretty important to me, and one other people should consider.

brendan_james @brendan_james
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Life Advice
brendan_james @brendan_james
Dont play Doki Doki. It will scar you

brendan_james @brendan_james
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Life Advice
brendan_james @brendan_james
Also, for the love of kami, dont underestimate how important it is to make $$$ and to save $$$. Figure out how to make more $ by saving $. Then, finally dont get permanantly use to not spending money after you make it.
$$$$$$$$$ yeah yeah money is bad n stuff ive heard it all

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
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Life Advice
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
Money is good to have and save up. Sadly it is needed for the world we live in today. The advice I like to give is when life knocks you down to rock bottom; just keep getting back up no matter how much pain you endure. It's hard I know personally, but it all starts with the willpower of what you believe in. *cheesy line I know*
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