Have you met catfishes online? How do you judge if a person is trustworthy or not?

Lishifu @hakutaku
Have you met catfishes online? How do you judge if a person is trustworthy or not?
Lishifu @hakutaku
I've thought over this kind of questions for some time. I was astonished by the fact that some pretty smart people who don't trust people quickly get catfished.Are those catfishes that attractive and appealing?
Trust Crisis.

42 @yousei
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Have you met catfishes online? How do you judge if a person is trustworthy or not?
42 @yousei
Can these smart people apply their cognitive abilities to communication and socializing along with picking up on the social cues that might be present with catfishers? Most of the time from what I see they are pretty obvious, at least if you are looking from the outside as a observer rather than a person emotionally invested into them. That's the key I think even if logic and reasoning dictate something isn't right it doesn't mean that our emotions will be the same in that regards.
Catfishers be it the ones who try to change their identity for their personal validation around others or those looking to gain something all have one thing in common, they need your validation in some form or another, in order to keep the ruse going they play on your want to be accepted or cared about for whatever reason you deem.
For me personally I just observe conversations to see if everything fits well when they talk, one common thing I see if they are going after multiple people is their tendency to change up their story dependent on the person they are around to fit with that individual specifically.

Null @wolfy2798
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Have you met catfishes online? How do you judge if a person is trustworthy or not?
Null @wolfy2798
As someone who has been catfished before it's a really fucked up and confusing sort of circumstances... Honestly for me it was more of the underlying dedication that person possibly put into it. 99% chance I wasn't the only one, but the years that they stayed on my friends list makes you feel uncomfortable at challenging their intentions. Past a point I knew something was on and when I reverse image searched a few of their pictures I immediately felt angry. Like how could I have let that happen? To have something go through your defenses breaks you a bit and really doesn't help any kind of situation you're in. I picked up on the out of proportions heavy makeup perfectionist typical basic as hell girls that I knew growing up. That was the biggest giveaway, I more-so kept them around because one extra person to talk to felt more comfortable I guess. To be honest those sort of girls aren't the most attractive and appealing in my opinion but this is a huge grey area for many people when being catfished because some fall for that stuff and others may have other reasons. To be honest it makes me paranoid to this day about certain people, really throws me off and calls for some awkward distrust sometimes. I try to keep myself together and just trust everyone but sometimes it can still be hard... In conclusion though being the target of that stuff was 100% my fault. I could have stopped it at least 2 years prior in the around the 6 years I "knew" this person.

Lamby @momoichi
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Have you met catfishes online? How do you judge if a person is trustworthy or not?
Lamby @momoichi
some people want something to be true so bad they ignore all the warning signs
i think this quote sums it up
when i was like, 8-13 i was a catfish >w> fake pix and pretended to be a high schooler
technically catfishes my first bf
thought i was 16 (was infact 11) and had a different name and different family life

Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
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Have you met catfishes online? How do you judge if a person is trustworthy or not?
Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
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Umbratic Alba @umbraticalba
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Have you met catfishes online? How do you judge if a person is trustworthy or not?
Umbratic Alba @umbraticalba
I usually don't trust online people 100% or even irl people. But I have spotted a few catfishes in my life and tried my best to avoid them. Once you take the bait, you're trapped.
It's extremely hard to see the flags or accept the flags because you're so into them. You want it to be real, you want it to work.
But it's hard to say that's enough, cause catfishes are really good at manipulating and bullshitting. If they are serious about you, they would have shown you who they really were from the get go or not blown you off so many times.
That's why I wouldn't really recommend an online relationship, unless you know that person and both of you can prove that you're real to each other.

densetsu_no_baka @densetsu_no_baka
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Have you met catfishes online? How do you judge if a person is trustworthy or not?
densetsu_no_baka @densetsu_no_baka
I'm not sure I have encountered them personally, though I have seen them pop up in other communities. They're usually very outwardly perverted girls that wind up being dudes. At some point, I like to exchange photos where we're physically holding something that has our username and that day's date written on it. At the very least then you can at least rule out the likelihood of them using someone else's pictures since that would be hard (though not impossible) to fabricate

blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
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Have you met catfishes online? How do you judge if a person is trustworthy or not?
blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
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kuudere_senpai @kuudere_senpai
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Have you met catfishes online? How do you judge if a person is trustworthy or not?
kuudere_senpai @kuudere_senpai
I've been catfished a couple of times, and the last pretty much ruined me.
I like to consider myself pretty smart. I got fooled so badly though, used and abused.
The problem I find that it feeds into itself. The longer you've been catfished the more badly you want it to be real, the more you're willing to fool yourself so you can hope everything you've invested will all be worth it.
If I could give one piece of advice, look at the present and not the future.
Its easy to believe in someone when they promise the future you want but if they're not giving you what you want in the present that's not gonna change.
When someone lets you down don't fool yourself into thinking they'll make it up to you later.
Its time I swapped out my rose lens for jade.

Lishifu @hakutaku
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Have you met catfishes online? How do you judge if a person is trustworthy or not?
Lishifu @hakutaku
I have never encountered catfishers(*・∀・)/\(・∀・*)..当局者迷,旁观者清: Lookers-on see most of the game. I find it unwise to tell the participant that the person they are talking with often is possibly a catfish...Because they may not believe me, I also hate hurting their feelings. I prefer to "lurk"and wait to see how that is going to play out...
I'm good at judging if a person is relatively trustworthy, though at time I make false moves.I even don't need search their photos..Taking a look at their posts on social media so as to get an inkling of them, also to see if they are real. I don't care if they are a catfisher or not as long as they can give me what I want: knowledge; insights; information; adventures; inspirations. If a catfisher manages to meet my insatiable needs for those, I am willing to be the "victim", they must be a good catfisher, I cannot resist the temptation. Sounds like Faust..
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