The importance of Closure

BurningHalo @burninghalo
The importance of Closure
BurningHalo @burninghalo
Do you think that there is a significance in having closure? When you break up with someone, or if someone is being fired from a job, or even in the case of death, do you personally think that it's important to have a sense of understanding as to why?
Does having closure help you? Is it important?

Lamby @momoichi
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The importance of Closure
Lamby @momoichi
ofcourse it is xD it helps you understand what happened and how you could possibly improve yourself for the next time
also helps zap those pesky 'what ifs' xD
people who have died that were close to me died from their own means, either age or how they lived there lives and didnt get help when they needed it, so for me, i dont think getting closure int here death helped me get over it

BurningHalo @burninghalo
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The importance of Closure
BurningHalo @burninghalo
Have you denied others closure Lamby?

Lamby @momoichi
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The importance of Closure
Lamby @momoichi
not to my knowledge, i dont believe iv ever been asked for closure
bout you?

BurningHalo @burninghalo
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The importance of Closure
BurningHalo @burninghalo
Once, long time ago. But this was someone I did not want in my life and I gave her way more chances than she deserved.

aomine201 @aomine201
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The importance of Closure
aomine201 @aomine201
I would love some closure but for me it like a game of tag, sometimes im it, other times im not it, but it is not intestinally but it sucks

Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
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The importance of Closure
Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
This account has been suspended.

shinu @shinu
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The importance of Closure
shinu @shinu
I think sometimes "closure" is an excuse to try and say "it's not my fault" or "I did everything right". Just... sometimes.
At other times people think they're doing the right thing if they leave you in the dark, and it's not right. I've had to pry some answers out of people before, and it really hurts to be forced to be in that kind of situation. There are bad things that happen that you don't need answers to, and bad things that happen that you need answers to in order to move on.
You don't need closure for a lack of a 2nd date. You already have the answers. They didn't like you well enough to carry forward. But you need closure if a decade long relationship crumbles to pieces out of nowhere, under your nose. You don't normally need closure if someone died of natural causes. You need closure if someone you love was killed without warning.
You may not have peace of mind, but that's a separate matter from a lack of closure.

aomine201 @aomine201
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The importance of Closure
aomine201 @aomine201
That is true, I tend to ignore it or walk from it and it ends up ruining my mind not our relationships I guess its like putting it on pause

blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
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The importance of Closure
blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
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