The Use of Touch

Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
The Use of Touch
Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
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The Use of Touch
Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
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Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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The Use of Touch
Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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Lead Dickhead. @hikki758
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The Use of Touch
Lead Dickhead. @hikki758
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Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
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The Use of Touch
Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
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Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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The Use of Touch
Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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sab @sab
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The Use of Touch
sab @sab
Why not trying to ask her! Hey do you mind if i hold your hand, put my arm around you or even give you a kiss? Not at the same time but as the situation arises.
It's real not hard, if the girl wants anything more most times she will take the lead from there because you already set the boundaries. and don't cross those boundaries unless she crosses them for you. This is where all trust in a relationship begin. getting touchy feely too soon will blow it for you.

LS @lsp
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The Use of Touch
LS @lsp
I agree with sab and would err on the side of caution with this. With so many scandals and sexual misconduct going on it pays to be safe. While people are dating and having a good time there could arise problems with miscommunication in signals and body languages. While it might kill the mood I would rather ask and get permission than overstep my bounds.

aomine201 @aomine201
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The Use of Touch
aomine201 @aomine201
first meet- a light handshake with a smile to introduce yourself.the arms area is best when just staring out. A Date -maybe bump knees or touch her feet with your feet when sitting close. If your walking through a crowd lightly touch het back to guide her where yall are going. If shes wearing a bracelet or watch complemented and ask if you can look at it then lightly grab her wrist to look at it. If yall get more friendly with each other Maybe poker her stomach while making a joke or messing with her. Wait for right time,dont rush, dont look at your hand wile going to touch,and dont think about it to much make it natural just go with your gut and make shure yall are enjoying yourselves and shes smiling. Overthinking about it will make things weirder.

Chocopyro @chocopyro
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The Use of Touch
Chocopyro @chocopyro
I also think hugs are a good way to go. I mean, they convey that physical touching is okay, and the awkwardness scales on what kinda hug you are giving so lighter hugs help with people who are more awkward about that stuff. I wouldn't say verbally asking permission is the way to go though. Like yes, you want consent, (especially as a guy) and you wanna set it up in a way where it becomes their choice to initiate it or not. But personally I recommend just leaving your arms wide open for a hug and letting her come to you for the first one. If she awkwardly leaves you hanging or turns you down, take it with a laugh.
I guess what I mean is "Invite her" rather than ask her. That way she still retains the power and the right to say "no" without having to interrogate her.
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