Opinion on Hairy Armpits & Legs

Umbratic Alba @umbraticalba
Opinion on Hairy Armpits & Legs
Umbratic Alba @umbraticalba
Well, we forget to shave them or wax them sometimes or get too lazy too.
But what if there was an extremely attractive man or woman that is totally head over heels for you, but they have have hairy armpits and legs? But it was like bushy hairy.
Honestly, I don't mind going through that forest. It doesn't bother me and hopefully it don't bother mister future man thing either. Waxing hurts TTvTT

Neka~ @dudemanrod
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Opinion on Hairy Armpits & Legs
Neka~ @dudemanrod
Yep, that's me, Italian hair everywhere. Personally I wouldn't mind a girl who is as hairy as me. I don't mean to sound fetishistic, but I like it when a girl has hair in places, burps, farts, etc., it's just being human and living without appeal. I find that more enduring then someone trying to hide who they are naturally.

mariahaise @mariahaise
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Opinion on Hairy Armpits & Legs
mariahaise @mariahaise
I personally dislike body hair on myself, I really just hate it. About a partner, I can see liking them hairier than me as long as it's not a huge Sultan-never-do-I-shave/trim look. With other people, that's their problem as long as they keep their hygiene routine, body hair is not a problem (it's actually better to have it than to not have it, shaving/waxing has many cons).

yaasshat @yaasshat
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Opinion on Hairy Armpits & Legs
yaasshat @yaasshat
Humans have been hairy for CENTURIES, this shaving thing is relatively new in the grand scheme of things. Western society says women should be smooth everywhere and men shouldnt care aside from a little "manscaping". Wanna be hairy? Do so. Wanna be smooth? Do so. Just be happy with how you are, first and foremost. Personally, I like hairless on a woman, but being hairy would not have turned me away from my wife.

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Opinion on Hairy Armpits & Legs
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
i dont mind it really....unless she gets more hair than me XD then it weirds me out

Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
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Opinion on Hairy Armpits & Legs
Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
This account has been suspended.

lilithotaku @lilithotaku
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Opinion on Hairy Armpits & Legs
lilithotaku @lilithotaku
This account has been suspended.

shinu @shinu
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Opinion on Hairy Armpits & Legs
shinu @shinu
I don't really know. I don't think about it. Since I don't think about it I guess it doesn't really bother me. I guess my preference is smooth skin, though, but it's not like I put that much effort in myself, so I can't blame anyone else.

LS @lsp
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Opinion on Hairy Armpits & Legs
LS @lsp
While I would prefer her to be smooth I don't mind if she is hairy. It's part of being human and if someone is ok with it then who am I to judge.

Triscuit @bob_loblaw
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Opinion on Hairy Armpits & Legs
Triscuit @bob_loblaw
Hairy pits and legs on a girl?
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