What do you bring to the table?

BurningHalo @burninghalo
What do you bring to the table?
BurningHalo @burninghalo
Be it something as simple as your good looks, unbridled energy, that you're a good conversationalist, whatever etc. Consider this your area to brag on yourself a little. What's great about being with you?

roseesty @roseesty
commented on
What do you bring to the table?
roseesty @roseesty
if anything my lovingness to my girlfriend

正義の味方 @gundamu
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What do you bring to the table?
正義の味方 @gundamu
Well I'd say it'd be stability. I'm very patient, always stick to my word, I'm not spontaneous and/or impulsive either. Everything I say and do is always thought through and deliberate, there won't be any random arguments over nothing around me. When things DO hit a rough patch though I would rather work on identifying the issues with my partner and work towards fixing them rather than getting angry and arguing about it. I also try to not be too clingy and let my partner have their own space when they need it, because I sure as hell need my own alone time and time to hang out with my friends. :u
I'm generally just a 100% anti-bullshit type of guy. I'm not a fan of pointless conflict and general dysfunction, especially if it's with someone I like enough to let into my life. I mean hell I don't even let my own family into my personal life most of the time, so if I get into a relationship I'd prefer for it to work out and I'd do my best to make sure it does so. That's just how seriously I take that type of stuff, honestly once you get your foot in the door you've basically won the Gundamu-bowl but it's up to you whether or not to appreciate it. :u

Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
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What do you bring to the table?
Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
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shinu @shinu
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What do you bring to the table?
shinu @shinu
Love. Devotion. Honesty. Loyalty. I'm very perceptive and understanding.
And that's about it. I aint got nothin.

timli1020 @timli1020
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What do you bring to the table?
timli1020 @timli1020
My D
Yes I had nothing else better to do lol

shinu @shinu
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What do you bring to the table?
shinu @shinu
"love can make you do stupid things"
Something I try to remind myself as often as I can. I sort of think I might just need someone who will keep my stupidity under control.

. @richaadokun
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What do you bring to the table?
. @richaadokun
Well for starters, having been riding motorcycles for 9 years, and having learned a lot from credible sources, I feel like I can give good guidance to people who want to get into riding. I also do the majority of my own work on my bike. I'm no certified mechanic, but I've never had issues learning to do all kinds of work on them, so I guess I could be helpful there too. ^^;
When I get into certain video games, I tend to work really hard to get good at them and often take and give advice. I guess the pro to that is that I can be a reliable teammate... And well, I did raid with the same people in WoW for many years straight for a good reason I suppose. ^^;
I like to cook sometimes, I'm no master chef but I assure you I could feed you. XD
Given I'm not a very outgoing otaku / gamer / nerd I can assure you I would never cheat, because not only do I think it's scummy but I wouldn't have it in me anyway.
I'm not an amazing conversationalist at first, but when I get to know people I can talk about geeky / nerdy things for quite some time. ^^;
I've been playing DDR and ITG for many many many years and can give solid advice on how to get better. DDR is how I lost weight when I was overweight in middle school and has since been my favorite way to get cardio. I can also give out a lot of fun files for Stepmania, I have thousands of songs. ^^;
I like to go to conventions, so if you like conventions we can be convention buddies. C:

Ed~ @yamadaed
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What do you bring to the table?
Ed~ @yamadaed
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SoCKs @epsilon_52
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What do you bring to the table?
SoCKs @epsilon_52
Hm, I'd usually give a long list here. But instead I'll say "I don't know, you tell me." If someone were to ask me that question at this moment; with relationships I believe at some point a healthy one is unconditional love, where you love and accept everything about the person. Fitting the checklist was more important when you were "dating" and experimenting or learning about the person, past that point it's just bonus/brownie points. :)
I feel I bring a lot to the table however, many people haven't taken the offer though. In the context of let's say bartering at a table many weren't "sold".
I've yet to figure out as to why, but to me it's a lesson that no matter how much you bring to the table, it's easier said than done;
Dating and Relationships that is.
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