Persona 5 reccomendation?

ramensensei @ramensensei
Persona 5 reccomendation?
ramensensei @ramensensei
i heard its pretty good,
I have been playing persona 4 on emulator,
can anyone reccomend 5 tho?

zelkin @zelkin
commented on
Persona 5 reccomendation?
zelkin @zelkin
Yes. Play it. It's amazing. And do your best to get the platinum trophy for it.

hazydayz @hazydayz
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Persona 5 reccomendation?
hazydayz @hazydayz
This account has been suspended.

VeZeal @axlex
commented on
Persona 5 reccomendation?
VeZeal @axlex
I say play it if you enjoyed 4. 5 is definitely a step up.

ramensensei @ramensensei
commented on
Persona 5 reccomendation?
ramensensei @ramensensei
oke ill see if i can make some budget for 5 then.

Jikko Von Satsujin @devo1
commented on
Persona 5 reccomendation?
Jikko Von Satsujin @devo1
Go for it.
Persona 4 is really good

Einjeru @einjeru
commented on
Persona 5 reccomendation?
Einjeru @einjeru
I have it but my ps4 memory is maxed out. I need to save the money to get and external memory drive converter and memory drive.

Ushio @ushioryuusei
commented on
Persona 5 reccomendation?
Ushio @ushioryuusei
Definitely recommend 100%, it's probably the best Persona's been. You got people who dislike your character from the get-go, you got waifus, you got husbandos, you've got a beautiful aesthetic. Considering you're playing through P4 you're doing yourself a major disservice by not playing P5.

LS @lsp
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Persona 5 reccomendation?
LS @lsp
I would 100% recommend P5. It is an amazing RPG and one of the best contenders for GOTY.

zubat @zubat
commented on
Persona 5 reccomendation?
zubat @zubat
It is my GOTY of 2017 so far, if you can stomach the long introduction of 4 you'll feel right at home with 5
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