Hi! Mitty is here!

mitty @mitty
Hi! Mitty is here!
mitty @mitty
Konnichiwa minna, nice to meet you! I joined this site just two days ago and I hope we will become good friends http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdpjqpFchk1qdlkyg.gif. I'm a kpoper and I read/watch all kind of comics/cartoons such as "A Matter of Life and Death", Marvel's ones/"Steven Universe", "Gravity Falls".
My Anime List isn't yet complete so feel free to ask me if I watch or read every kind of series or just random question http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9ralkDCHA1qdlkyg.gif
Thia account is a safe place for everyone
Whatever is your sexual orientation, your gender, your religion, your ideas, etc., it would be a pleasure to chat with youhttp://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9ranuVdBe1qdlkyg.gif
Have a lovely day

Sakutaro14 @sakutaro14
commented on
Hi! Mitty is here!
Sakutaro14 @sakutaro14
Hey there, welcome to MO! Hope you enjoy your stay.

Mharz23 @mharz23
commented on
Hi! Mitty is here!
Mharz23 @mharz23
ooooo a Kpop Fan..... and steven universe! nice!
i think we can get along pretty well.

Blasphemian @kodaskye
commented on
Hi! Mitty is here!
Blasphemian @kodaskye
Welcome to wonderful MO! I hope you enjoy it here!

greenumbra @greenumbra
commented on
Hi! Mitty is here!
greenumbra @greenumbra
Welcome, this place is pretty nice to make friends on

diversis @diversis
commented on
Hi! Mitty is here!
diversis @diversis
Heya there! Welcome to MaiOtaku. I hope you get along with many people here! ;)

Magnolia @cerealia
commented on
Hi! Mitty is here!
Magnolia @cerealia
Hi Mitty! gosh I wish we lived close to eachother, we could start a kpop dance group. ^^
Anyways, welcome to MO. From your intro you sound absolutely sweet and adorable. ^^

jakratchet12 @jakratchet12
commented on
Hi! Mitty is here!
jakratchet12 @jakratchet12
Welcome to the site

ivr94 @ivr94
commented on
Hi! Mitty is here!
ivr94 @ivr94
This account has been suspended.

fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
commented on
Hi! Mitty is here!
fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
I remember being new here it was awesome. Anyway Welcome to the site I hope you make great amazing friends, if your searching for romance you found the right place. So many out there to choose from, as for me I am only here for friendship. I would love to be your friend and get to know you. Just read my page before you send me a friend request sometimes my requirements are not what some people are wanting to hear or look for which is okay. I am not here to please everyone I am here to find friendship to actually get to know people and hang out besides chatting threw a virtual device.
I like to see the person face to face in public eyes, to see how they truly are in person can't tell threw a computer you have people who talk a good game but when it time to meet up they don't preform what they tell you. easy to meet people in public to tell if they are true, real or just out to bull shit.
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