Anime Top 10

abra_kadabra @aaroniero_aseyah
Anime Top 10
abra_kadabra @aaroniero_aseyah
List your Top 10 favorite anime/manga i know it's hard to pic a #1 so they can be mixed up

abra_kadabra @aaroniero_aseyah
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Anime Top 10
abra_kadabra @aaroniero_aseyah
1. Bleach
2. Death Note
3. Dragonball (series)
4. Cowboy Bebop
5. Samuria X (series)
6. Eureka 7
7. Wolf's Rain
8. Inuyasha
9. Fullmetal Alchemist (series)
10 Blood +

RoninSydd @roninsydd
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Anime Top 10
RoninSydd @roninsydd
1.Cowboy Bebop 2. Hellsing 3. Trigun 4. Tsubasa 5. Pumpkin Scissors 6. Fairy Tail 7. Bleach 8.Kenichi the Mightest Disciple 9.Midori Days 10.G Gundam

abra_kadabra @aaroniero_aseyah
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Anime Top 10
abra_kadabra @aaroniero_aseyah
or a randomized top 10 like mines?

Meems @meems
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Anime Top 10
Meems @meems
1.Nana 2.Crimson Hero 3.Saiyuki 4.Anything by Miyazaki! 5.Cowboy Bebop 6.Uzumaki 7.Azumanga Daioh 8.Paradise Kiss 9.Revolutionary Girl Utena 10.Annnnd Sailor Moon :O

Regral @regral
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Anime Top 10
Regral @regral
1.The Black Lagoon 2. Toradora! 3. Maison Ikkoku 4.Zero no Tsukaima 5.Gankutsuou 6.Trigun 7.Cowboy Bebop 8.Nodame Cantabile 9.Samurai Champloo 10.Ergo Proxy I Like so many more that could be in my top 10 though and besides number 1 it's in random order

_ @themoonkitty
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Anime Top 10
_ @themoonkitty
1. Sailor Moon 2. Blood+ 3. Nana 4. Trinity Blood 5. Tokko 6. Loveless 7. MoHS 8. D.Gray-Man 9. Chobits 10. Vampire Knight

abra_kadabra @aaroniero_aseyah
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Anime Top 10
abra_kadabra @aaroniero_aseyah
all these anime's and no one mentioned naruto...... (what a shocker!!!) I guess I'll comment on a few of u guys selections. RoninSydd Trigun is awesome Vash and Knives were awesome at the end :-) Meems Azumanga Daioh is hillarious all i can say is "why in the heck" "why in the heck" lol Regal Black Lagoon was a fun series alot of action (not much of a story though) and TsukiNeko Chobits I think the funniest part is how Chi is "turned on" lol.....hilarious

_ @themoonkitty
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Anime Top 10
_ @themoonkitty
It's just me, but I'm kinda meh when it comes to Naruto... >.> I think people are going to attack me now xD Chobits ish teh awethum!! My favorite part was with the "pantsu" and yelling "Hentai, hentai! Hideki wa hentai!!" Hehehe... That was the first Japanese sentence I ever learned apart from "Watashi wa Rena desu" xD

abra_kadabra @aaroniero_aseyah
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Anime Top 10
abra_kadabra @aaroniero_aseyah
that's hilarious, the scene and the fact that's the 1st phrase u've learned :-)
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