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Learning to trust

Jul 17, 17 at 6:30pm
Because I know I'm not the only person who's been hurt by others I wanna know how y'all got through it? My most recent hurt happened just yesterday, which is what drove me to joining this site, but it's only one out of a lot, I don't like being alone, but now I feel scared to get close to people. Seems like people just use me. But I don't want to feel like this.
It starts with being willing to put a little faith in someone. It's up to you how much you're willing to trust someone. If you feel like you're being used then step back. Examine whether or not the situation is one where you're being taken advantage of. And if it is then you can call the other person out on it or walk away. Sometimes people are truly just not aware of how they are treating people and other times they know and just don't care. Tis a wacky world we live in <.< I got through it by just realizing that I only have this one life far as I know. And I want to spend it happy. I don't have to, nor will I live by anyone's code but my own. You might get hurt sometimes but you can find some real worthwhile people and you get better at sorting out the asshats from those worthwhile people in the process.
ya dont. thats how. Everyone is different. just dont trust the person(s) that fucked up your trust. No reason to not trust others. we all have different souls and minds. its not fair to group everyone together. everyone thats ever broken my trust HARD...i cant forget it, so im always on my guard with those people, unless i see they noticeably change for the better over the years, then i *might* trust them again. But it takes quite a Long time for them to earn it back. Basically....give everyone a chance to be a good friend, until they fuck it up. dont punish everyone else for their fuck up.
I can't offer anything up that anybody else hasn't said already, but I'm going through the same thing as you, so you are definitely not alone. I recently returned to the site after a breakup from a 2 year relationship, and I've lost my ability to trust others as well. Right now is a really good time to do things you enjoy doing, and to try and relax. Things will get better, if not now, in the future!
Jul 17, 17 at 7:07pm
well i think you can have a little bit of trust in people without being scared of them failing you it hurts now, and it might always hurt, but itll atleast lessen with time and in that time youll be able to trust again, trust me (*rimshot*) if you were hurt just yesterday, its going to take time alot of time to heal i also think its kind of good to have people lie and break your trust. its that hurt that teaches you to protect yourself and not be aware that some people arent good. once bitten twice shy.
This really hit close to home. Right I'm in a very similar position, I've been completely shut out by someone who used to swear up and down that I could trust them and they'd never do something like that. I felt like I was nothing but a phase, something to toss aside when the novelty wore off. I mostly blamed myself for who knows what reason. And that's why I rejoined the site, I still haven't changed my relationship status to single because it hurts so much. Just know you're not alone, I'm still working through it myself but I'm sure it'll get better, especially if you have the right people around you.
Jul 19, 17 at 4:25am
Normally, I only trust people sometimes or not at all. I fully trust very, very few and one little fuck up could ruin the trust I had in them. I don't even trust my family/relatives most often. My judgement on character affects how I trust people. I once made a mistake of trusting someone fully who I once claim "best friend". When they turned their back on me, it hurts so much that I'm still healing from it. It became a fear and I developed insecurities because of it. As much I want to tear the fucker apart, it's just how it is and was a good lesson for me which is why I now become this "person". Although, I am not exactly how I portray myself publicly online. I am a lot different one-on-one. There's nothing you can do to change what happened. All you can do is to move forward and learn from it so that it will not happen again.
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Jul 19, 17 at 6:16am
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