What is is this nonsense about hating humans?

nightvenger @nightvenger
What is is this nonsense about hating humans?
nightvenger @nightvenger
I have heard this thing about people hating humans..
What is this about? Not trying to bash anybody..it's just your a human yourself...

ReactionaryWeeb @reactionaryweeb
commented on
What is is this nonsense about hating humans?
ReactionaryWeeb @reactionaryweeb
Why are you assuming I identify as a human?

nightvenger @nightvenger
commented on
What is is this nonsense about hating humans?
nightvenger @nightvenger
You don't have to..you can choose to be whatever you want to be
but I bet most people will assume you are.

VeZeal @axlex
commented on
What is is this nonsense about hating humans?
VeZeal @axlex
Self loathing

lost.spot @lost_spot
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What is is this nonsense about hating humans?
lost.spot @lost_spot
IsnĀ“t it just ironic?

Wandering Weeb @lazybum123
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What is is this nonsense about hating humans?
Wandering Weeb @lazybum123
for me there are 2 type of people hating humans.
1.the self hating people with low self esteem like the red pill society bunch in reddit,feminist and antifa
2.the people who believes in their god/gods and sees the evil in this world

FinalSmile @finalsmile
commented on
What is is this nonsense about hating humans?
FinalSmile @finalsmile
Some thought people come up with when they get too invested in a cause and start thinking the best solution to their problems would be reducing the number of people in the world.

nightvenger @nightvenger
commented on
What is is this nonsense about hating humans?
nightvenger @nightvenger

Triscuit @bob_loblaw
commented on
What is is this nonsense about hating humans?
Triscuit @bob_loblaw
Dude, it's a figure of speech. Y'know, like when everyone in existance says things like "I had the worst day ever at work," or "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

nightvenger @nightvenger
commented on
What is is this nonsense about hating humans?
nightvenger @nightvenger
And another way to look at it. :D
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