Where's my waifu ?!

magus @magus
Where's my waifu ?!
magus @magus
Hey, I'm new and I'm looking for my waifu ! Where are you my long lost love ? I've been dreaming about you my whole life... Hopefully I'll be able to find you soon ! ^^

Formless @karurosu
commented on
Where's my waifu ?!
Formless @karurosu
No such things as waifu's here my friend, you came to the wrong place.
We do have however memes, loli's, plebs, anxiety and a lot of eggs. We welcome you nonetheless!

magus @magus
commented on
Where's my waifu ?!
magus @magus
Well, then I'll add some depression to this site, in that case. ;o

magus @magus
commented on
Where's my waifu ?!
magus @magus
And thanks for the welcome. ^^

Aito @its_showtime
commented on
Where's my waifu ?!
Aito @its_showtime
Hi there! Welcome!

magus @magus
commented on
Where's my waifu ?!
magus @magus
Hai, hai !! ^^

Tee @ennis93
commented on
Where's my waifu ?!
Tee @ennis93
I'd like to emphasize the 'eggs' part - there's L O T S.
Also welcome! ^_^

magus @magus
commented on
Where's my waifu ?!
magus @magus
Heya ! :D

Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
commented on
Where's my waifu ?!
Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
This account has been suspended.

magus @magus
commented on
Where's my waifu ?!
magus @magus
Hello, there ! Nice to meet you. ^^
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