Dragonball Super Topic

markrodriguez @markrodiguez
Dragonball Super Topic
markrodriguez @markrodiguez
Might as well make a big topic here about it. How has everyone been enjoying the new Universal Tournament arc?

ventusgamer @ventusgamer
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Dragonball Super Topic
ventusgamer @ventusgamer
I want to see the big fight.
And how strong are those Others universe.

markrodriguez @markrodiguez
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Dragonball Super Topic
markrodriguez @markrodiguez
Now they're saying they might recruit Freeza to replace Buu.

MaskedShadow @speedofsound17
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Dragonball Super Topic
MaskedShadow @speedofsound17
Gohan will kick eveyone's asses. #savagegohan

asukaangel @asukaangel
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Dragonball Super Topic
asukaangel @asukaangel
there's a big fuss now about the recruiting of Freezer!!! I just don't know how it would end up!!!

ceresbane @ceresbane
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Dragonball Super Topic
ceresbane @ceresbane
Mystic Gohan on par with Saiyan blue...
series shoulda stopped at frieza...

asukaangel @asukaangel
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Dragonball Super Topic
asukaangel @asukaangel

and next episode... Still the three longest hours of our existenceee!!!

markrodriguez @markrodiguez
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Dragonball Super Topic
markrodriguez @markrodiguez
I wonder what kind of terms Freeza has for Goku?

asukaangel @asukaangel
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Dragonball Super Topic
asukaangel @asukaangel
@markrodriguez now we know what are those terms!!!

EverRedScott ג'יימס @kuro7respect
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Dragonball Super Topic
EverRedScott ג'יימס @kuro7respect
So much for Skinny version of Mr. Buu, I would expect to see more of him fighting others.
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