Hive @hive
Hive @hive
There was a march for science not too long ago, I decided to visit one of the marches myself. However I noticed that some of the things focused on were not really applied to themselves.
I would like to talk about one of those things specifically and get others opinions on them.
The subject is reproducibility and how it has been decreasing as of late. For those that don't know what reproducibility is in the scientific community, its a form of verifying experiments or a studies analysis by duplicating it.
There have been some recent studies done on the situation giving out some data.
Here is a link to one of the studies from nature.
I would like to ask what are your thoughts on this, do you feel as if reproducing results in experiments are important.
What do you think could be done to improve the situation?
Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Lamby @momoichi
hmm a topic too intelligent for me
but itll be nice to read whats put in here and learn a thing or two :3
Cero @cero
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Cero @cero
This account has been suspended.
FinalSmile @finalsmile
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FinalSmile @finalsmile
You ever hear of cold fusion? Made a lot of people really excited, until the results for the experiment couldn't be reproduced. I think that if it is for the sake of science and the gaining of knowledge then yes experiments need to be repeatable. However, if it is a company that is working on something in secret and they don't intend to publish their work for other members of the scientific community, I think it should be up to whoever is in charge or footing the bill.
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