Hello all!

schnuupi @schnuupi
Hello all!
schnuupi @schnuupi
Hello, my name is Lewis and I'm here to meet people cause none of my friends appreciate anime or manga! I'm friendly and love anything geeky. I'm terrible at introductions so please feel free to chat!
I'm Scottish and love Sci Fi! Doctor Who is best.

Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
commented on
Hello all!
Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
This account has been suspended.

schnuupi @schnuupi
commented on
Hello all!
schnuupi @schnuupi
Thank you, awesome your from Belgium, I lived there for a few years.

Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
commented on
Hello all!
Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
This account has been suspended.

Markey @markey
commented on
Hello all!
Markey @markey
Welcome to the site^^

makurasu @makurasu
commented on
Hello all!
makurasu @makurasu
Sup man! Doctor Who reminds me of Teenage life lol. The Weeping Angels was the best part.

~tea oppa~ @alisterspade
commented on
Hello all!
~tea oppa~ @alisterspade
welcome to mo :D

BZ Substitute @brasszombie
commented on
Hello all!
BZ Substitute @brasszombie
Welcome to The Site. ^.^

TlaLaz @tlalaz
commented on
Hello all!
TlaLaz @tlalaz
Allons-y, my friend!

ladycorazon @ladycorazon
commented on
Hello all!
ladycorazon @ladycorazon
Welcome! Dutch fan here and pretty much in the same boat as you are :)
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