AX 2017

deejayanime @deejayanime
AX 2017
deejayanime @deejayanime
Who's going and are y'all gonna cosplay this year?

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
commented on
AX 2017
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
I'm going but probably not cosplaying.
I'll be there on all days plus the pre-show. Really excited about it.
Hoping I can nab a room at the JW or Sheraton that's right next to it.

Travisemo007 @travisemo007
commented on
AX 2017
Travisemo007 @travisemo007
im curious what the pre shows gonna be like...:?

йෆıя @diviner
commented on
AX 2017
йෆıя @diviner
Nothing ~
Ill be staffing at lounge 21 ~
( Maybe a maid if i can )

NoblePhantasm @noblephantasm
commented on
AX 2017
NoblePhantasm @noblephantasm
I'll be going but not cosplaying. On a side note if anyone is going to get/have extra VIP tickets for the June 30 concert I'd be willing to buy one off you (or several if you have several)! I'm super hyped for it but I'm sure most if not all of the VIP tickets will be sold out by the time it's open to general attendees. :(

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
commented on
AX 2017
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
I'll stop by Lounge 21 to say "hi" and relax. ^_^

йෆıя @diviner
commented on
AX 2017
йෆıя @diviner
Okii dokii cant wait to see you (ノ・∀・)ノ

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
commented on
AX 2017
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
I never been to AX but judging by the attendance, I'm expecting a sea of people.

йෆıя @diviner
commented on
AX 2017
йෆıя @diviner
Alot of people goes to AX and when i mean alot i mean alot to the point you start to smell other peoples BO, which is fucking gross ~
Also they have a rule, that was started i think last year, if you dont shower or dont take care of your personal hygene your gonna get banned ~
At least thats wat i herd ~

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
commented on
AX 2017
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
Really? A hygiene rule? Thanks sad but great!
Yeah, I hate con-funk. It's the 21st century peeps: take a shower.
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