What makes a good friendship?

Lightmare @singtolek
What makes a good friendship?
Lightmare @singtolek
Heyo all! Everyone has friends and friendships!
I like to know what you think is important in a friendship?

Chocopyro @chocopyro
commented on
What makes a good friendship?
Chocopyro @chocopyro
A coexistant bond where both parties give mutually to ensure one another's well being and happiness. I think anything more than that is subjective.

bakatako @bakatako
commented on
What makes a good friendship?
bakatako @bakatako
People who you can just be yourself around and forget all the shit in the world while just chilling with them.

FinalSmile @finalsmile
commented on
What makes a good friendship?
FinalSmile @finalsmile
Availability and sharing at least one hobby with each other.
EDIT: Enjoying each others company and talking points is a hobby in my book.

lilithotaku @lilithotaku
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What makes a good friendship?
lilithotaku @lilithotaku
This account has been suspended.

brandish @brandish
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What makes a good friendship?
brandish @brandish
Always be there for each other, be who you are around them and stick together thru the hard times
Both sides not just one

Goodbye, Goodnight @tearsdontfallbfmv
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What makes a good friendship?
Goodbye, Goodnight @tearsdontfallbfmv
trust communication empathy sympathy

BZ Substitute @brasszombie
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What makes a good friendship?
BZ Substitute @brasszombie
Friends enjoy each-others company.
Anything else is meaningless.

xynomi @xynomi
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What makes a good friendship?
xynomi @xynomi
Hating the same things.

shiroakai @shiroakai
commented on
What makes a good friendship?
shiroakai @shiroakai
I believe that a friendship has different kinds of relationships. Those who are seen as best friends, friends and just those who aren't as much of a friend. I think all friendships are important though, they build character and you find out who are real friends and who are not. I think a friend is some one who cares about how you feel,will have your back and honestly say if your breath stinks. I know that they will stick up for you no matter what and if your wrong will speak their mind and tell you that your wrong, but are still friends with you because they value your friendship.
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