Commander/EDH theorycrafting

otaku_scum @otaku_scum
Commander/EDH theorycrafting
otaku_scum @otaku_scum
Anyone play? Care to talk about interactions, deck ideas, etc.

lon_master @lon_master
commented on
Commander/EDH theorycrafting
lon_master @lon_master
Always. So how about that new Naya Legendary? Naya warriors?

otaku_scum @otaku_scum
commented on
Commander/EDH theorycrafting
otaku_scum @otaku_scum
My buddy made a samut deck and its pretty aggro good 1v1 but in a group struggles a bit since control.

Raiku @raiku
commented on
Commander/EDH theorycrafting
Raiku @raiku
Mainly play a G eldrazi deck.
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