How would you react if the above user confessed to you?

Nini @mikan_kat
commented on
How would you react if the above user confessed to you?
Nini @mikan_kat

FinalSmile @finalsmile
commented on
How would you react if the above user confessed to you?
FinalSmile @finalsmile
@OBieSenpai I have progressively posted more sinister an ominous gifs at mikan eluding malicious intention all the while getting in the way of solid snake from responding to mikan. Simply because I have wanted to respond to Emiya so I could post a trashy meme about how people die when they are killed. Which is a funny line from a translation of Fate stay night.

ObieSenpai @obiesenpai
commented on
How would you react if the above user confessed to you?
ObieSenpai @obiesenpai
Out of curousity, what anime is that mikan?

Ceilno @forgottendream
commented on
How would you react if the above user confessed to you?
Ceilno @forgottendream
I love someone else but dont worry...

Nini @mikan_kat
commented on
How would you react if the above user confessed to you?
Nini @mikan_kat
my noodles!!!

FinalSmile @finalsmile
commented on
How would you react if the above user confessed to you?
FinalSmile @finalsmile
It's a trap...
EDIT: Cock blocked by mikan...

ObieSenpai @obiesenpai
commented on
How would you react if the above user confessed to you?
ObieSenpai @obiesenpai

Ceilno @forgottendream
commented on
How would you react if the above user confessed to you?
Ceilno @forgottendream
your a trap

Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
How would you react if the above user confessed to you?
Aka-san @redhawk

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
commented on
How would you react if the above user confessed to you?
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
Edge I accept your surrender to the love of dance
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