Who was a sucker and bought kingdom hearts for the ps4?

shiroakai @shiroakai
Who was a sucker and bought kingdom hearts for the ps4?
shiroakai @shiroakai
Well, I am one of those suckers who did...It was worth every penny still. I love kh and would probably buy any game they release, either old or new.

shiroakai @shiroakai
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Who was a sucker and bought kingdom hearts for the ps4?
shiroakai @shiroakai
And FYI I am playing it now.

EverRedScott ג'יימס @kuro7respect
commented on
Who was a sucker and bought kingdom hearts for the ps4?
EverRedScott ג'יימס @kuro7respect
One of my sisters had a PS4 Pro and loved KHs and currently playing KH2.8.

barbatosisthenewblack @barbatosisthenewblack
commented on
Who was a sucker and bought kingdom hearts for the ps4?
barbatosisthenewblack @barbatosisthenewblack
I bought it for Kh and Blood Borne. Horizon zero dawn is just icing. I regret nothing. Lol.

manny_heart @manny_heart
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Who was a sucker and bought kingdom hearts for the ps4?
manny_heart @manny_heart
wait, kh3 is out?

shiroakai @shiroakai
commented on
Who was a sucker and bought kingdom hearts for the ps4?
shiroakai @shiroakai
Lol nah( I wish) I meant kingdom hearts 1.5 and 2.5 on the ps4... I probably should have mentioned that, hah hah..Sorry

Einjeru @einjeru
commented on
Who was a sucker and bought kingdom hearts for the ps4?
Einjeru @einjeru
I literally got my ps4 just for the re-release and kh3. My ex couldn't understand why I had every copy of the series from ps2,Ds,3ds,ps3 and ps4.

hikikomori111 @hikikomori111
commented on
Who was a sucker and bought kingdom hearts for the ps4?
hikikomori111 @hikikomori111
Einjeru how much do you like the PS4 ports over the PS3 ports? :p Also did you get the PS3 Steelbook?

Einjeru @einjeru
commented on
Who was a sucker and bought kingdom hearts for the ps4?
Einjeru @einjeru
Well I don't know much about the ports but I did get all the collectors editions of dream drop distance to 2.8.

zubat @zubat
commented on
Who was a sucker and bought kingdom hearts for the ps4?
zubat @zubat
I did and i dont regret it due to All of the games running at 60 fps, i'd even say its the definitive 1.5/2.5 at this point.
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