Hunter x Hunter

Blasphemian @kodaskye
Hunter x Hunter
Blasphemian @kodaskye
I just started this (yes I know i'm late and missing out, but i already knew what it was about just never got to it) and I will forever watch the 1st ending until they change it because Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas(band) is my absolute life and #1 forever!

Blasphemian @kodaskye
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Hunter x Hunter
Blasphemian @kodaskye you might notice this one from the OP from brynhildr in darkness! these guys are the bees knees

Baka @reinhardt76
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Hunter x Hunter
Baka @reinhardt76
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Blasphemian @kodaskye
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Hunter x Hunter
Blasphemian @kodaskye
as of now i'm on episode 7 and so far it'd have to be killua

Travisemo007 @travisemo007
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Hunter x Hunter
Travisemo007 @travisemo007
im sorry but i disagree lol. i like the ending Gaylnerus did for Hunter x hunter the best. much more suited for the series imo.
also Hunter x Hunter is a fantastic anime (:
i am currently on episode 42 lol

BZ Substitute @brasszombie
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Hunter x Hunter
BZ Substitute @brasszombie
I have been afraid to try it, don't judge me but I always thought it looked more geared for a young audience. Please inform me if I am wrong.

Blasphemian @kodaskye
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Hunter x Hunter
Blasphemian @kodaskye
Omfg gal did an ending too? Hells yeahhhh but ifalilv is my bees knees but gal is a great power metal

Blasphemian @kodaskye
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Hunter x Hunter
Blasphemian @kodaskye
I will, volt I actually kinda thought the same that's what kept me away then I watched some of the fighting scenes and decided to start it

Baka @reinhardt76
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Hunter x Hunter
Baka @reinhardt76
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EverRedScott ג'יימס @kuro7respect
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Hunter x Hunter
EverRedScott ג'יימס @kuro7respect
Don't worry, I'm in the same position as you. I didn't know much about HxH and I can tell I'm very late and missing out on lots of episodes. Even when aired on Toonami, didn't watch much.
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