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Are People Really Born Straight or Gay?

this is why i love you gurren xD
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It's hard to say as babies cant tell others what they like and don't and expressing them selves is hard. I'd say that they will like and dislike things as they grow. I can only remember fragments of the past at the age of 3 and I liked big boobs and thin women. Now I know most babies hump everything after finding out if feels good and this goes for both male and female babies. After that they may like a teddy bear or some object until they find a girl or boy they like. No remember most kids only have family around and most people are disgusted by relatives and will only find a stranger attractive. When I first went to pre school I liked girls and I liked only a few girls. I thought guys where ok friends but where to aggressive to weaker people. At lunch I sat next to some kids and they picked on a boy that was in the group and said he liked girls. I said that they should stop and I sat up and moved over to a table with the girls and had the kid sit next to me. They all got jealous and were in shock. The girls liked it and that kid was happy that he didn't have to hide that he liked to girls. We as kids seem to suppress out attractions and likes as we are insecure and afraid of any attacks. I didn't grow up with that stigma as I was born in the woods and was just a wild child that doesn't care much for fear. So in short everyone loves everything we most likely just like what the chemicals in out brain tell us to like. If you have a lot of testosterone then you like big boobs and women if you have a lot of estrogen then ur programmed to like boys and this can change as ur body does.
Now listen here you hypocritical degenerate. I am not here to debate what is and isn't a metaphor in the bible. Not only because it is not the time or place for that, and not even that it isn't my area of study, but because I don't care what a person like you thinks of it. And for future reference when I say the term liberal, I am referring to the traditional meaning of the word, which would include both the democrats and republicans. P.S. if your best argument is there are CITIES that allow something, that is not exactly the best argument. P.P.S. thank you for showing your hand. You look like a very tolernet person by telling the a man if Jewish origin that he should go gas himself.
but cant we all agree everyone here cant understand what its like to be gay there for we dont really know?
However, most understand what sexual attraction feels like and I'd argue that it feels the same, gay or straight. So, most can atleast understand that part even if they don't understand what it's like to be gay in the social sense.
One does not need to be something or experience something to know what its like. If that wasn't the case phychologists would all be fucking insane.
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Sometimes i wish i could just put my thumb up in my ass and teleport to a other universe :3 . Where people have evolved above this stupid shit.Am i the only one ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sx7QVnHF7EY
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