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Are People Really Born Straight or Gay?

Jun 10, 18 at 3:25pm
@baka.. i don't remember properly since i learnt this in my 12th, but as far as i remember jelly fish have quite a fascinating life cycle. They have both im-motile asexual reproduction and motile sexual reproduction phases, though i don't remember them turning into testicles for the females to use XD
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Well musk is a thing. Humans just tend to ignore some of their instincts in regard to that. Most have a different reason as to why they are attracted to someone. @laughingman i didnt say idea to mean it was something fictional, its just something that i would dislike being true. If it is, it is. But ive always had doubts about how some people use genes the way they do. Being fat is in my genes, so... and etc. It actually makes me wonder is there a gene for being straight too?
Jun 10, 18 at 3:28pm
@muffin, some rare human females do produce pheromones from glands situated near their butt-hole.. Though the evidence is not well established coz u know why >.>
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Jun 10, 18 at 3:33pm
@taiyou.. all the hormonal cycle is encoded in genes, neurotransmitter release frequency is encoded in genes, All the chemicals in your body is encoded in your genes, so yes Genes play quite a huge role on who you are but so does environmental factors ^^ by "gay gene" the genetic researchers actually meant a portion in human genome which is consistently different between straight people and gay people, they didnt mean an extra gene which gay peops have >.> so yes since that difference is called "gay gene" in gay people, its corresponding similar part in straight genome will be called "straight gene" XD
...ok now... what about the Apache helicoptor gene?
Jun 10, 18 at 3:39pm
ofcoz it produces the apache helicopter >.> jk jk
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