What anime needs a new season

EnglishOtaku @englishweeabo
What anime needs a new season
EnglishOtaku @englishweeabo
In my personal opinion Highschool dxd needs a season 4, one punch man,blue exorcist and attack on titan ALL need a season 2

elfysoul @elfysoul
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What anime needs a new season
elfysoul @elfysoul
Blue exorcist has got a season 2!! Yaya and one punch definitely needs one!!! :D and aot is coming out this year!!!! ^^

tayic @tayic
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What anime needs a new season
tayic @tayic
Tokyo Ghoul.

displaynamehere @purefault
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What anime needs a new season
displaynamehere @purefault
Haruhi Suzumiya since the series/movie only go through book 5 or so.
Also, Black Lagoon, and most of all, Aku no Hana (the anime only goes through volume 4 of the manga, so not even half the story).

overth1nker @overth1nker
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What anime needs a new season
overth1nker @overth1nker
basically all Madhouse anime.

Lamby @momoichi
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What anime needs a new season
Lamby @momoichi
tokyo ghoul is getting a third season
read the manga

LeprechaunLou @leprechaunlou
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What anime needs a new season
LeprechaunLou @leprechaunlou
Amagi brilliant park!
Crys inside as I realised they will never make a season two :(

MaskedShadow @speedofsound17
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What anime needs a new season
MaskedShadow @speedofsound17

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
What anime needs a new season
Lamby @momoichi
^ light i will find you i warn you :P
nichijou is top list for needing a new season

MaskedShadow @speedofsound17
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What anime needs a new season
MaskedShadow @speedofsound17
Yeah right
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