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Happy Valentines Day, Leo.

So this is a post for my sweet little Leo, I wanted to put it in a place that I know he'll see it. It's more meaningful than a text too so... I had to. :P Happy Valentines day, my darling. It's our second one now and I've never been happier since. This time next month we will have been together for two full years and it's insane to me. SO Much has happened, it truly blows my mind. You were there for me when my first doggo died, one that has been with me since I was born. You supported me through it all the same and I could never repay you for that. When I started a new school and I was nervous, you let me text you all day even though it was literally 2AM for you. Getting my new puppy, you were there for me. You told me she was the one and I adore her almost as much as you because of that. You've cried and laughed with me and it means more to me than you'll ever hope to know. Even when you thought I was a catfish because I was insecure about sending you pictures or calling you, you didn't pressure me. You didn't let me break up with you during arguments that were ridiculous and you still don't which is exactly what I need. I have so many issues that you know inside out and you adjust everything you do to look after me. We've talked about our futures and I still remember the sex talk I had with your father, the cringe has never been so strong since. You still don't pressure me for sex or anything like that so really it's no surprise that you are my longest and most definitely my most meaningful relationship. Even things that other people may dislike about you, I find perfect. I may argue with you over things but I hope you know I never, ever mean them. I just say it in the heat of the moment. I know one day everything will be perfect and it's going to be soon, I can tell. You are everything good to me, truly. I joined this website on a whim as you know and then I literally stalked you for a day before initiating anything since I was worried about acting like an idiot around you, the cutest little vampire. I honestly have to admit that I wouldn't be alive now if it wasn't for you. Since the day we met you've intrigued me every single day, you've loved me and cared like no one else ever has. I still feel the exact same. In fact, I love you more. Whenever I look down at the ring you gave me, my heart skips a beat. I can't wait until I can call you my husband next year. I love you, Leo Lorance Milo. More than life itself. Forever & Always.
Yeah it is our second now huh. It's hard to imagine that it was only two years ago when we first met, Just feels like you were always around now, And I can't imagine a day without seeing you at least once, even if it's the smallest of texts at night to tell sweet dreams, or our 24 hour calls. Alot has happened since we met, All the things you've gone through, All the hard times, all the fiery arguments. But in the end I know it was worth it, All the days, every laugh was worth a thousand fights, every smile, every little spark in your eyes was worth it. After losing my closet friend right in front of me, Something that will haunt me till the end of time, You were the only one who helped me during those impossible beginning times, I honestly don't know what I would of done without you. How you were staying awake just to make sure I got sleep every night, forcing me to eat when I was stubborn, and keeping me from doing the stupidest things. I know it couldn't of been easy, and I know I haven't been the same ever since, But one thing that has never changed, is that I love you. Even when you may of done some very questionable things, That is one thing that hasn't and won't change, Not now, Not tomorrow, or the years to come to the end of time, Even when I may of not wanted to, there was always a part of me that cared and loved you deeply. And that love has only grown in time. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, As my future wife, my partner to the end. Happy Valentines Day Angel, I love you more than any word I could say, Forever and Always.
Yeah it is our second now huh. It's hard to imagine that it was only two years ago when we first met, Just feels like you were always around now, And I can't imagine a day without seeing you at least once, even if it's the smallest of texts at night to tell sweet dreams, or our 24 hour calls. Alot has happened since we met, All the things you've gone through, All the hard times, all the fiery arguments. But in the end I know it was worth it, All the days, every laugh was worth a thousand fights, every smile, every little spark in your eyes was worth it. After losing my closet friend right in front of me, Something that will haunt me till the end of time, You were the only one who helped me during those impossible beginning times, I honestly don't know what I would of done without you. How you were staying awake just to make sure I got sleep every night, forcing me to eat when I was stubborn, and keeping me from doing the stupidest things. I know it couldn't of been easy, and I know I haven't been the same ever since, But one thing that has never changed, is that I love you. Even when you may of done some very questionable things, That is one thing that hasn't and won't change, Not now, Not tomorrow, or the years to come to the end of time, Even when I may of not wanted to, there was always a part of me that cared and loved you deeply. And that love has only grown in time. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, As my future wife, my partner to the end. Happy Valentines Day Angel, I love you more than any word I could say, Forever and Always.
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