Animes that deserves a season 2

bornbytheblood19 @bornbytheblood19
Animes that deserves a season 2
bornbytheblood19 @bornbytheblood19
What anime do you think needs a second season?
I'm asking this because theres so many good animes that come out that for some reason is never given the chance of season 2.
You know shows like HOTD, Btoom, no game no life, claymore,black lagoon, and angel beats.
What anime do you think deserves a season 2?

gravitygirl @gravitygirl
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Animes that deserves a season 2
gravitygirl @gravitygirl
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun! No Game No Life I agree on they left us on a cliff hanger you know? Yona of the Dawn, Ouran High School Host Club, Barakamon, and Kawai Complex definitely have great material for second seasons!

jakratchet12 @jakratchet12
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Animes that deserves a season 2
jakratchet12 @jakratchet12
Btooom would be cool to have a second season for. I want to see a second season for Relife mainly because they kinda ended it with a plot twist so I feel like there should be a second season for that one. I would like to see a second season for Baccano although they ended that one pretty well. I honestly was waiting for a second season for HOTD and I kind of gave up on that. Also I completely agree with Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun! I would love a second season for that one!! There's a lot...

lilithotaku @lilithotaku
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Animes that deserves a season 2
lilithotaku @lilithotaku
This account has been suspended.

Travisemo007 @travisemo007
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Animes that deserves a season 2
Travisemo007 @travisemo007

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann
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Animes that deserves a season 2
waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann
OMG Skip beat! There's so much more to the story! Omg Btoom! It needs another season! Everyone I know kept clicking continue!! Darn it all!

Chocopyro @chocopyro
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Animes that deserves a season 2
Chocopyro @chocopyro
Nyan Koi. How dare they leave us with that cliffhanger ending and tease a second season, and never go through with it?

xxx @__removed_gurren921
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Animes that deserves a season 2
xxx @__removed_gurren921
The Devil is a Part Timer

Wesley-sensei @a_wesley_g
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Animes that deserves a season 2
Wesley-sensei @a_wesley_g
@gravitygirl Barakamon sorta does, well it has a prequel. "Handa-kun" That was really funny. I recommend it. Kawai Complex was really fun to watch too. I would have liked to have seen more.
"Claymore" and "Black Lagoon" where both really good. But I think Black Lagoon ended well. Claymore just ended abruptly.
So did"Btooom", it definitely needed one.
@Tavisemo007 I just finished "ReLife" myself. I'd like another season of that too.
"Nyan Koi" and "Skip beat" where both good, but definitely "the Devil is a Part Timer"
Personally I want another season of "Hai to Gensou no Grimgar"

Blank @sweetdeath
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Animes that deserves a season 2
Blank @sweetdeath
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