League Of Legends?

fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
League Of Legends?
fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
Anyone play League of Legends?

wasistdas [FALLEN] @wasistdas
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League Of Legends?
wasistdas [FALLEN] @wasistdas

fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
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League Of Legends?
fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
hello to you i just replied too you :D, incase you didnt get my response I play on NA.
I use too be silver 1. But my silliness, decided to keep playing ranked eventually my luck ran out I got people who didn't want to do there share in helping win the match so they threw on purpose which happen to a lot of games i played which knocked me to s3, then s4, then to s5.
after that I played more hoping to get back to silver one then I got people who fed or afked which brought me to b5 i am now b4. Here the kicker though everytime i think im slowly climbing back up i go back to b5 because i still get people who dont a crap.

wasistdas [FALLEN] @wasistdas
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League Of Legends?
wasistdas [FALLEN] @wasistdas
Well I would play With ya but I am not playing on na..
I have 2 gold acc, 1 diamond and one Silver acc, maybe I can do a transfer

fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
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League Of Legends?
fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
sweet wow that a big deal i so would love to play with you i am also learning how to cs, i suck at that still other than that i am a decent player. to be warn na sometimes are rude we do got alot of ragers, but i always mute the chat when i play,
awesome if you like to transfer and get your character to where you can play ranked let me know ill message you my user name.

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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League Of Legends?
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
yay more people on NA :D
im currently bronze was silver last season, i main darius, im a mastery 7 teemo. and i main top and mid lane. im pretty decent when it comes to cs and K/D/A i average 160+ cs by 20 mins and mostly go positive on kills. you can add me on my main: godsxguillotine. or on my smurf: DropDeadDarius
tbh im not a pro or anything i was only on here for one season so im still figuring things out

wasistdas [FALLEN] @wasistdas
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League Of Legends?
wasistdas [FALLEN] @wasistdas
Dropdeaddarius xd

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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League Of Legends?
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
pretty cool name huh >:D i wish that was what my main account's name was

wasistdas [FALLEN] @wasistdas
commented on
League Of Legends?
wasistdas [FALLEN] @wasistdas
Ur Team name should be Tripple D.
We should create a League of legends MO team x)

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
commented on
League Of Legends?
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
Dat boi made an NA account he does jungle, rn he is working on leveling up his smurf but he seems pretty good. we can def make a team
i can even make a club and invite you guys
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