Hyperdimention neptunia fans

Uzume @johnwee220
Hyperdimention neptunia fans
Uzume @johnwee220
Anyone played the nep games? Major nep fan here ive played almost all the games including spin offs except hyperdevotion noire and action u. Uzume is my fav character.

kuromizu @kuromizu
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Hyperdimention neptunia fans
kuromizu @kuromizu
I have all the remastered main games on pc along with megadimention neptunia v2

Blank @sweetdeath
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Hyperdimention neptunia fans
Blank @sweetdeath
Oh I love the series with all of my heart and soul. Favorite character? All the original goddesses + Candidates c: sorry no place for uzume, plutia, Peashy or Rei.
Played all the games available on steam, missing sega.

VeZeal @axlex
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Hyperdimention neptunia fans
VeZeal @axlex
Oh Uzume is definitely competing for top spot with Vert in my book.
That said, there are a few fans including myself scattered around here.
Played the original versions of the first 3 games, played Megadimension, Nep U and Zombie Blanc.

Uzume @johnwee220
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Hyperdimention neptunia fans
Uzume @johnwee220
Different people different preference : ) i myself love all the cpu and candidates except vert because she has no character development. Im dissapointed they removed the ship for IF and vert. @blank

VeZeal @axlex
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Hyperdimention neptunia fans
VeZeal @axlex
That's because Vert is perfect and does not need to change. Except to steal Nepgear away.
Speaking of Makers, my favorite is IF

SoCKs @epsilon_52
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Hyperdimention neptunia fans
SoCKs @epsilon_52
Can one of you give me a rundown of what the games are like and why I should play them? I know of the genre and what not and that they make a lot of pop culture references. But I haven't tried any of them out yet, RPGs take a long time and this is a particularly long series.

Uzume @johnwee220
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Hyperdimention neptunia fans
Uzume @johnwee220
Don't get me wrong here. I love all the main characters they all add to the comedy. But I wish there was more growth in character in vert instead of seeing her going after nepgear and her otaku hobbies all the time.If u have played re 1 2 and v2. U can see the growth in character in everyone except vert which is kind of sad imo.

Blank @sweetdeath
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Hyperdimention neptunia fans
Blank @sweetdeath
We should play Neptunia together sometime.

Jelly-Senpai @ryutsukun
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Hyperdimention neptunia fans
Jelly-Senpai @ryutsukun
Needs more Neppu
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