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Hi, Im new here

My names Philip, Im new to this site. I've never really used dating or forum sites before but Im a fan of anime, even if Im not a huge fan of the series, I try to be positive about it as someone put alot of work into it. Im looking to start a long distance relationship, as I live in a fairly remote place, but Im always happy to make new friends and chat. I look foward to getting to know you
Jan 22, 17 at 11:08am
This account has been suspended.
Thanks, this seems like a cool site, it'll be nice to meet people who also like anime, there arnt really any otakus near where I live
Jan 22, 17 at 11:32am
This account has been suspended.
Thanks, Ill keep that in mind. Im not really used to girls, went to an all boys school and never really had any friends who are girls, or girlfriends for that matter
Good luck out there bro
Thanks, Im gonna need it :) Its nice to find so many active anime fans to talk to regardless of romantic possibilities
Jan 22, 17 at 12:29pm
So far everyone here seems very friendly and nice
Thats what Ive found, I was quite nervous at first but this seems like a really cool site
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