Anime Boston

votom @votom
Anime Boston
votom @votom
My first con, I'm quite curious as to how its going to go.
Anime Boston thread!

lon_master @lon_master
commented on
Anime Boston
lon_master @lon_master
I've been going for what will be 9 years now. Its been my favorite con every year by far.

nekoja @nekoja
commented on
Anime Boston
nekoja @nekoja
Heyy this is my year in Boston and I'm attending anime Boston convention too!!

Kagamine Len @kagaminelen02
commented on
Anime Boston
Kagamine Len @kagaminelen02
I'm working AB for my 4th (5th?) year and as usual, I'm working the karaoke lounge! If anyone goes and wants to stop by then please feel free to hang out with me :)

votom @votom
commented on
Anime Boston
votom @votom
i'll keep that in mind!

lon_master @lon_master
commented on
Anime Boston
lon_master @lon_master
Getting closer to the con, wanted to bump the thread up.

Whitewolf @whitewolf_3
commented on
Anime Boston
Whitewolf @whitewolf_3
I've heard from my boss that AB is one of the best organized cons he's ever been. I'm looking forward to see how they run, next weekend

idonthaveausernameprepared @idonthaveausernameprepared
commented on
Anime Boston
idonthaveausernameprepared @idonthaveausernameprepared
4th year for me! Con crunch is real, I've got to build two swords and one of them needs to be edible so fingers crossed.

votom @votom
commented on
Anime Boston
votom @votom
What did you guys think of the con?
Who did you guys go as?
I wonder if I saw any of you there. As for me, I didn't cosplay due to $. Next year I will though!

Whitewolf @whitewolf_3
commented on
Anime Boston
Whitewolf @whitewolf_3
From a con organizer perspective, it's one of the best run conventions I've ever seen. I'm lucky to be on a professional tour and learn about their operations.
From an attendee perspective, I had fun especially during the Sepia Swing Dance. I'm lucky to have the opportunity to dance with random women and teach them swing dancing. One of the ladies I taught stood out from the rest. She was awesome to learn advanced moves, keep up with triple time swing, and let me dip her at the end of songs.
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