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Jan 16, 17 at 8:07pm
I'm not really all that good with introductions, so, hey! Nice to meet you all.
Jan 16, 17 at 8:09pm
Hey there (:
Jan 16, 17 at 8:10pm
I'd love to see your artwork sometime
o l i @olivercrusher commented on Heyo
Jan 16, 17 at 8:11pm
Thanks, right now it's only sketches on paper. I plan to get a drawing tablet in the near future so I can draw digitally. (: Nice to meet you!
Hi and welcome on this site :) Is there any understandable reason for a neutral question from me why you chose the name crusher after oliver? I hope you have a great time here!
o l i @olivercrusher commented on Heyo
Jan 16, 17 at 8:28pm
Thanks for the welcome! And it was when I was young, it was a randomly generated name on Xbox I believe. It just kinda stuck. It was originally Oliver41Crusher, but I ditched the numbers. My username before that was terrible.. to embarrassing to even mention anymore.
cypher @cypher commented on Heyo
Jan 16, 17 at 8:31pm
Hey there welcome to mo also rad name
o l i @olivercrusher commented on Heyo
Jan 16, 17 at 8:32pm
Thanks for both the welcome and the compliment on my name! :3
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