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Aug 31, 22 at 6:09pm
Another cool thing is to get registered as a tribal member you have to prove with familial connections and documents, birth certs, death certs, marriage licenses, etc. how you are related to displaced ancestors. So much genealogy has been done. My mom struggled getting us registered as small children but after the rise of the internet, I was able to make connections on a genealogy website that dates my family history back to the 1300s. It's documented so well and now Arc's family tree as well that we can pin point times when both of our ancestors were in Georgia before the displacement as well as before when both our families were in England. We both have English ancestors from Kent and apparently I have an ancestor (not Cherokee side) that was a Sheriff of London.
I'm Native-American, I grew up poor, sometimes hungry, My father took me out hunting alot, hunting for us was a means to survive alot. I grew up around a dichotomy of both upstanding natives, and I guess outlaw/criminal natives. My father was criminal when he was younger, but was smart enough to get-out of that life when he had me at 17. He finished school and did/does his best to support me and my siblings growing up... even taught me alot of skills from traditional values to street-smarts. Although there was alot of poverty growing up, and my overall family integrity was broken due to residential-school trauma(Which my grandparents and my mum were victims of. My dad ran away and lived in the forest for a week until they stopped looking for him.) ~~~~~~~ My dad witnessed his brother get burned alive in a vehicle when he was just a child, and his elder sister was later murdered when I was just a child. ~~~~~ These events all-in all broke my family on his side, and I could tell my grandmother has deep pain because of it. ~~~~~~ So without any real parental support, the family fell apart and most turned towards the streets to survive. ~~~~~~ The same to a degree on my mother's side, but they never really had anything traumatic happen, other than residential school... But my moms side was really good and upstanding people, sure they struggle with their own issues - but it was nowhere as broken as my dad's family was and still kinda is.
Aug 31, 22 at 6:24pm
@verucassault Kind of, I knew that the immigrants really screwed your ancestors over with land (yeah Manifest Destiny!). And that second one...I feel very sorry y'all went through that. Hope everything is alright now.
Aug 31, 22 at 6:26pm
In funny news... My girlfriend who swore she was at least 25% NA recently took one of those 23 and me DNA tests. As it turns out, not only is she not NA(Not bloody close by a long shot, mate.lol), she's more English than me.lol Daddy has some 'splainin to do...Well, if he wasnt a dead beat and or possibly quite literally dead...Such is life.lol
Aug 31, 22 at 6:29pm
It wasn't the immigrants. It was the government lol
Arc @arc commented on Confessions
Aug 31, 22 at 6:43pm
the government really screwed over my native American ancestor. She was 7 years old when it happened. The US government 'gave' Native Americans crap lands west of the Mississippi in exchange for the land they were living on in Georgia. When my ancestor's family refused, the US government forced them into a camp at gunpoint. If we think the US government is bad today, just imagine if crap like that happens again.
Aug 31, 22 at 6:50pm
No, no... If we think they were bad, just think how much WORSE they are. Lots of crap that still goes on, unfortunately.
Sep 01, 22 at 10:02am
I need a larger apartment asap. x) https://www.film-rezensionen.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/How-to-Build-a-Sex-Room.jpg
I miss greece and cyprus... The people are very friendly. Being loved by a greek woman is like being kissed and warmed by the sun on a cold-winter day. I miss her immensely with every day that passes. I really do believe that the love and passion I've received with her made me a much more passionate, romantic and affectionate lover. I also finished watching the pacific today and the part where Robert Leckie met stella really reminded me of being together with her. Lovely memories. mf series making me cry.
Sep 15, 22 at 3:37pm
I have recently shaved my legs...Twice (mainly for cosplays) because I want to see how long it takes to grow back. I have no shame whatsoever either way!
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