What is Love?

waltz788 @waltz788
What is Love?
waltz788 @waltz788
I guess I could say I never had a relationship, most women I liked was out of my league or I never thought of them as a love interest. I want to know others thoughts upon the subject.

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
What is Love?
Lamby @momoichi
love is a hormone that binds someone to one person as they get use to each other and see if they are compatible
love WILL WEAR OFF and when it does, if your lucky, you've found a compatible person that you can live with and bare children with
that is love

waltz788 @waltz788
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What is Love?
waltz788 @waltz788
Mhm a lot different from what my ex said, in her mind is was about pleasure, I guess I get something for her but she never felt the same all well,

NotATsun @notatsun
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What is Love?
NotATsun @notatsun
Baby dont hurt me, dont hurt me, no more.

waltz788 @waltz788
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What is Love?
waltz788 @waltz788
I actually was waiting for that one :D

Lamby @momoichi
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What is Love?
Lamby @momoichi
^ see i thought it was too easy
my mistake ;P
well peoples philosophy on love are all different, but my view is the physical one
as someone who grew up in a one parent home, i'm very skeptical on what "love" really is

waltz788 @waltz788
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What is Love?
waltz788 @waltz788
My parents divorced and my father cheated on my mother, my ex cheated on me so I really don't know anymore

Lamby @momoichi
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What is Love?
Lamby @momoichi
i hear ya
i "imprinted" (i refuse to call it love, it was blind lust) on a bully once
he made fun of one of my friends with scoliosis
total scum bag
hormones are fucked

waltz788 @waltz788
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What is Love?
waltz788 @waltz788
Understandable, hormones cause great distress lol,

waltz788 @waltz788
commented on
What is Love?
waltz788 @waltz788
I have been trying to find the emotional concept of love and for me it's hard to do, plus that involves interacting with others.
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