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so what have you done irl to try and find someone

So here I pose a question: Besides using a website, what have you done in real life to try and connect to people. I personally don't actively go out, but recently go to bars with a friend. It's not that fun, but I feel that I should get out often. I just wish there was an anime and video game bar in El Paso TX.
iv been to an anime club meeting at the local library i was 14 all the guys were 20-30
Haha I don't mean to offend but you're the obligatory Loli to arrive . But how did that go?
i was with my friend and we were completely ignored xD seemed like everyone already had there lil click going on so i never went back I did have win a raffle though and got a free manga :P
Well that seems like a very unwelcoming convention . From where I'm from by the end of all meetings all people are usually introduced to everyone.
that sounds nice :3 where have you gone?
Well I'm from Guam but once in a while when I was in HS we held meetings to discuss otakus and the culture , we also planned as a group to cons togethtogethtogether whenever they were to come III not seadkseadkseadkns seasknseason**
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Talked to people, went to one convention, was part of a club back in high school, attended meetups, some of those library meetups too, and even tried to get connected to people through people I already knew. Success Rate? 0% Aside from one failed relationship, but that's just a sad pathetic story unless you count 2 months as pretty long. Other than that, I've pretty much given up, and here I am on this website that still doesn't work as a last stand.
At this stage it's not easy to cold turkey walk up to someone and try to strike up conversation. Conventions are a tad easier and I've had a lot of good success talking with new people at panels because the topic of the panel at least gives a good ice breaker to talk to people sitting near you. If I meet many new people through friends or being out and about, most of the time they're either way too young for me to consider or usually wind up already having a bf. Just shitty luck usually in general.
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