How can i find love( what the hell kind of title is this??)

marquez @marquez
How can i find love( what the hell kind of title is this??)
marquez @marquez
I never know what to wright on this types of forums..
So yeah heres the question. How do you find love?

Webb @webb
commented on
How can i find love( what the hell kind of title is this??)
Webb @webb
just write anime in google and you will find love :D

marquez @marquez
commented on
How can i find love( what the hell kind of title is this??)
marquez @marquez
Thats a great idea! Thanks for your help kind sir :)

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
commented on
How can i find love( what the hell kind of title is this??)
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
here is what you wanna do:
1.get a credit card
2.get your computer
3.get on amazon waifu pillow
5.wait 5-6 business days

Yuu Chan @caprisias
commented on
How can i find love( what the hell kind of title is this??)
Yuu Chan @caprisias
Go out there, explore the world and try meeting new people. Sure love doesn't happen overnight or from one single conversation if you made any friends, but generally if you're interested in getting to know someone, then do just that for a while. If you find yourself liking someone more and more overtime, then it wouldn't hurt to confess your feelings and see whether they reciprocate or not.

Chocopyro @chocopyro
commented on
How can i find love( what the hell kind of title is this??)
Chocopyro @chocopyro
Find love in yourself first. Then do what Yuu-chan said. And if you fail at cultivating relationships with those around you, you can either keep trying, or do what that Kawaii Bish said.
Honestly though, no one can teach you how to love or how to find love. The least we can do is draw from our own experiences. It would be easier if you asked how to find a boyfriend/girlfriend, since there are evolutionary mechanics behind human mating. (Sadly, even that is non-formulaic, so there is no step by step instruction manual.) Love however is not applicable to mating alone, as you can love a pet, a friend, a family member, and a romantic partner all in equal measure.

marquez @marquez
commented on
How can i find love( what the hell kind of title is this??)
marquez @marquez
Thanks Yuu Chan and Chocopyro! Your comments gave me a better.. let´s say "perspective" about love, relationships and answers to some questions that I had on my mind.
Once again thanks and sorry for my english

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
How can i find love( what the hell kind of title is this??)
Lamby @momoichi
get out there
dont be afraid of rejection but at the same time wait until you have a good idea she/he likes you back
i dont recommend trying to find a girl online unless your ok with long distance

Chocopyro @chocopyro
commented on
How can i find love( what the hell kind of title is this??)
Chocopyro @chocopyro
Wait, english isn't your first language? I couldn't tell. Looks good to me. In any case, you're welcome. I hope things go good for you.

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
How can i find love( what the hell kind of title is this??)
Lamby @momoichi
you know, you dont have to have someone too
in this day and age you dont need a wife or husband or kids
nothing wrong with going through life solo
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