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Some ideas for getting over a true love

Hey MaiOtaku people i dont really know anyone on here so its not like i can ask anyone personally about this so ill just throw it out there for some random comments,but i am wondering if anyone has any good ideas to get over someone or at least to keep ones mind occupied enough to paint over the feeling of being left behind or from what was lost
Here's the deal, you'll never forget, but you can deal with the emotions. The only thing you can do is keep occupied, whether it's a hobby or work. There isn't a particular way or time frame to abide by. I once had a relationship that took my 1 1/2 yrs to get over and then the next took me less than a month (I loved both, too.). For me, it was keeping occupied that helped. It's when you're idle, that your minde starts to dwell.
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Yeah that shit hurts the first time around bro. Like others said, focus on your work and your goals. I know in my case, I find myself not being 100% emotionally invested in new relationships as much, despite having gotten over w/e took place a while ago. I tend to look at it like this, you cut ties to gain new ones. Might take some time, but you'll get over it. Just use what you're feeling now to stay productive. Good luck brother
The sad fact about this is I am still not over mine 100℅ But I have accepted our separation. I still misd her now and then. Sometime she's in my dreams... Haunting my life. Caused some minimum traumatic experiences and such. Idk really what to tell you. For now you must accept that right now you 2 have crossed paths. In meantime find something to do. Anime, game, series, new friends A new home basically.
I know that feeling though
For me the best was: a positive new series to watch when I am alone, plus a new game to play with friends, additinally being with/talking to a friend who reminded me about normal things like eating and going outside (you know... small, everyday challenges). I really wanted to be happy again and I promised myself to do everything to be OK once again. Sometimes it takes a few days to get over something, sometimes a few years. I learned a lot from my sadness. Now I am in a great relationship for the last 2 years, and the previous ones are just silly to me.
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