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hai ^_^

critjo @critjo commented on hai ^_^
Dec 29, 16 at 2:35pm
Seymour? That might have been it. But whatever. He still was an enemy I just wanted to get over and done with. Like he was so annoying it was kinda funny at first, then it stopped being funny, and I just wanted to squish him like a bug and move on.
Dec 29, 16 at 5:36pm
Sephiroth haunts ever game even kingdom hearts so he's not restricted to FF unfortunately xD I guess I'm a bit of a sap but I liked the story of FFX...more like the relationship between some of the characters. The reason I think I like FFXV so much despite having less than appealing characters (unless you like the boy band type...which is cool) is the combat. Certainly needs some tweaks but I love KH, so seeing real time combat (with the option to slow time still if desired-but unlikely to be used). I never had any issues in 10 though...when I first played it as a kid I got stuck, but then I came back, learned how to grind up and had few issues. But I can respect not liking some of the characters lol. 12 actually used to be my favorite...the only other FF game besides 10 & 7 that I totally beat...but then I got to yiazmat and yeah...HE is the most annoying thing to ever come out of final fantasy imo. sooo longg x.x Supposed to possibly be used in the 7 remake which I'd have zero problems with (or include both turn based and real time as options no half ass stuff)-but I have a feeling they go with that there will probably be riots in the streets. We'll have to see I guess!
Dec 29, 16 at 5:41pm
Oh and as someone who's played from 3 to ultimate (all 3ds entries) excessively...I mean FFXV is real time but when you switch weapons things feel a lot different. Sure you can craft weapons in MH, get new abilities and moves and things will play very different. But you are still limited by whatever weapon type you choose ya know (for the most part...varies a bit by game). I don't know if I could compare the two. But I do prefer monster hunter for combat overall...it does that very well. Though if I'm gonna go console for a "monster hunter" like title I'd go for Toukiden 2...its like monster hunter except not just limited to dragon-ish creatures and when you hack of limbs they grow back often making it harder. Still has similar weapon types and multiplayer so if you want monster hunter on a console I'd totally recommend looking into that before something like FFXV.
n a e r i @naeri commented on hai ^_^
Dec 29, 16 at 10:23pm
ahh i always thought anime had to be a show or something lol :p well then studio ghibli stuff are my favorite animes LMAO but not the sad/realistic ones like grave of the fireflies and the wind rises i like more of spirited away and howls moving castle....... maybe its bc im a baby at heart and cant read sad books/fanfics or watch sad movies/shows but i just prefer the super fantasy ones
n a e r i @naeri commented on hai ^_^
Dec 29, 16 at 10:25pm
i think that FFX on was sorta down hill but they definitely brought it back with FF15 its worth it even if you dislike the gameplay part because (and just my opinion here) the graphics and story are so fantastic ^^ like i was shookt with how amazing the graphics are i cant get it out of my head just its all so beautiful but mystical at the same time IDK u cant put it into words
critjo @critjo commented on hai ^_^
Dec 29, 16 at 11:35pm
Yeah I get how you're a bit limited with weapon in MH, once you commit to one you're stuck with it for a quest. But there's sooooooooo much skill you can develop with every single weapon, and with MHX you've got different hunter styles too giving you even more ways of using one weapon. naeri I don't mind sadness occasionally in shows, but if it's all sadness always I don't like it, I always want there to be success/reconciliation/victory/changes that come after the sadness and get a happy ending. Cuz optimism :D
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