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hai ^_^

abcde @ohshumuki commented on hai ^_^
Dec 28, 16 at 11:52pm
Prompto though lol never shuts up!
n a e r i @naeri commented on hai ^_^
Dec 28, 16 at 11:57pm
prompto is a sweetie ok once u learn to deal with how annoying he is- --- -- - he is art and im not gonna spoil anything but boi ;;;---;;;
abcde @ohshumuki commented on hai ^_^
Dec 28, 16 at 11:59pm
Lol yeah. Maybe someday he will have a special place in my heart lol!
Hey there whats up! Studio Ghibli films are totally anime, what are you talking about?! ;)
Dec 29, 16 at 2:12pm
FFXV is AMAZING yo! I don't care if you trash talk the boy band (get your revenge by lighting them on fire or freezing them in battle if you wish-though that will hurt you overall lol). I think I'm the one person on this planet who's actually run out of gas >.< CHOCOBOS AND RACING FTW!! My neon red clucky and I are UNDEFEATED! x3
Dec 29, 16 at 2:13pm
I also second beaver, I'm a ghibli fanboy and they are a studio based in japan...ignore disney owning some of that but they've left stuff pretty much as is and through and through its still anime as long as its from japan and has said characteristics lol
critjo @critjo commented on hai ^_^
Dec 29, 16 at 2:15pm
Hi naeri FFVII is my favourite FF too. I really liked 8 (different style, but still good I think) and 9 too. Started losing interest from X onwards :/
Dec 29, 16 at 2:19pm
What didn't you like about 10? Dx 15 is on a run to be my new favorite but otherwise, its 10...but all of them have good points (except 13...really dislike those lol). Recommend checking out 15 if you can though as it really is different (but if you dislike the combat and stuff probably not...). I also really enjoyed World of Final Fantasy because of its interesting style and the strategy spin off titles are actually my favorites xD
critjo @critjo commented on hai ^_^
Dec 29, 16 at 2:26pm
I was put off 15 for the gameplay changes. I don't think I'd dislike the gameplay, but it wouldn't be an FF game, wouldn't give me the experience I want when I get FF. Maybe I'll try it someday, but currently Monster Hunter is my go-to if I want that style of gameplay (it seems very similar?) I never really liked any of the characters in 10. Tidus was annoying and none of the other characters were very likeable. Plus the ball game was pretty boring to play. I don't actually remember the romance side of FFX, it made that little impression on me. Whereas I remember it happily from VII, VIII and IX, and it's one of the things I liked FF for.
critjo @critjo commented on hai ^_^
Dec 29, 16 at 2:28pm
Oh and the boss of FFX was such a pain. He was just annoying and whiny. I don't mind an enemy that keeps coming back for more (see Sephiroth) but that guy... was just suck. Every time I saw him it was like "ah I've got to even notice this guy again, what a drag". And that's all I remember, I couldn't even be bothered to remember his name.
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