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Greets. UK NG:NL and GITS fan.

Hey all. Thought I'd try this site out. I'm in the UK. Favourite anime is Ghost in the Shell and No Game No Life. I play a lot of games. I've been playing Mirror's Edge, Shadowrun: Hong Kong, Monster Hunter X and Deus Ex: Human Revolution lately.
Dec 18, 16 at 11:06am
Hai Hai Critjo welkom to the site :3
Dec 18, 16 at 11:42am
hi khazu, thanks
Kazundo Gouda's my name; it's alright, I rarely meet anyone who can pronounce it properly, although personally I never thought it to be that odd of a name. In fact, I now find it to be excellent; most people remember my name by easily associating me with it. A unique face, a unique moniker.
Welcome Critjo! I don't see many No Game No Life fans, so it is great to know you!
Hey ZeKiro Cool! I hope they do another season. I haven't read the NGNL manga. Have you?
I agree! They left season 1 off with such a cliffhanger. I actually have not, but it is on the list, that never-ending list of what to watch/read xD
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