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So, Hi everyone

Good morning everyone. I'm Rani (it's not my real name eheh) I'm 15 yo (too young I know it guys...) I really into anime for like 4years ahah. I like video game too but maybe I should talk about my favorite anime yup ? So,my favorite anime is ... hm I didn't have any favorite anime but I really really love Ranma 1/2, kill la kill etc, I like Japanese movie too like Akira or studio ghibli's movies. I totally forgot to say that I'm French and my English is not perfect like I think I made like ... many many fault erg jesus. But anyway I hope I make some friends, I'm not really into relationships, I had some boyfriends but ... anyway. Hope you guys like me , I'm a true loli so I'm gonna be popular here (it's a joke don't worry) (I'm a loli but my goal isn't being popular) Anywayyy I'm happy to be here so wanna talk with me ? Or do you want to know more things about me ?
Dec 18, 16 at 8:21am
Good evening Rani:3. Welcome to the site. I'm Khazu and I'm 15 too. we're not the only ones that are this young, and you're not too young for anything!... Ok maybe a couple of things, but nevermind that. You don't have to talk only about anime. There are subforums for games or other random stuff like that. I don't see any grammar mistakes in your introduction so you'll be fine :) and were not grammar nazis. I hope you'll make lots of friends and become popular X3.http://memecrunch.com/meme/RS81/did-say-loli/image.jpg Ps: Can I be your first friend on MO?!
Dec 18, 16 at 8:50am
Oh hi khazu, I'm happy to know that I'm not the only who is 15 to ahah,um I see that there is some subforums but before I didn't know so I feel a little bit stupid ahah but thanks ! (If I don't make any mistakes it's perfect !) And you can be my first friend ! I won't bite you don't worry hihi !
Dec 18, 16 at 9:03am
Awesome! and I don't mind a loli biting me :P http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/059/686/e30.gif And if you are curious as to where I'm from, I'm from Thailand :P but I'm currently living in the Netherlands :3
Dec 18, 16 at 9:13am
So anything you want to talk about... sorry I'm not that good at starting a conversation he... he...
http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/047/750/6a4.gif welcome to the site rani. hope you enjoy your stay and have fun here. hopefully you can findwhat your looking for
Dec 18, 16 at 9:22am
Hi ! Thank you a lot ! I hope I will stay a long time here and make a lot of friends !
Dec 20, 16 at 8:47pm
Welcome Rani! Hope you like the site! :) I'll be around if you want to talk.
Dec 20, 16 at 11:56pm
Welcome to the site!
Dec 21, 16 at 11:31am
welcome Rani video games are also good to talk about, I think a lot of people on here are gamers too, I like hard games
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