A loner that really want's friends

Cup O' Noodles @cuponoodles
A loner that really want's friends
Cup O' Noodles @cuponoodles
Konichiwa meaning hello, I am what you call a loner because I don't have any friends and the only one's I do have are my family. I do want friends and I really don't like gut's and gory anime's but I do love fun and funny anime's with little or mid action in them tho, If you don't mind I really want to be friend's with you all.^^ My name is Lina Muya it's nice to meet you all.

Came to read messages of o @ryachi96
commented on
A loner that really want's friends
Came to read messages of o @ryachi96
Hey welcome to MO :3 am sure you'll find many friends here, most people are friendly ^_^

terbare @terbare
commented on
A loner that really want's friends
terbare @terbare
Hello I,m new here too.

mohawk1234 @mohawk1234
commented on
A loner that really want's friends
mohawk1234 @mohawk1234
Heya! I'll be your friend ^.^

jakratchet12 @jakratchet12
commented on
A loner that really want's friends
jakratchet12 @jakratchet12
Welcome to the site

ZeKiro @zekiro
commented on
A loner that really want's friends
ZeKiro @zekiro
Welcome!! I've got your back!

kaizu™ @finecanine
commented on
A loner that really want's friends
kaizu™ @finecanine
Yay for comedy anime! xD I tend to like really goofy (sometimes more "fluffy" anime titles as well. Like ouran, fumoffu, and especially Nichijou xD I also like more action oriented anime with comedy sparingly used. Anyway welcome to the site and hope you find what you're looking for! x3

Pegaponyprince @pegaponyprince
commented on
A loner that really want's friends
Pegaponyprince @pegaponyprince
I'm sure you'll find a lot of friends here!

CryTus @crytus
commented on
A loner that really want's friends
CryTus @crytus
Hello there, glad to have ya. I'm a newbie here also.

kay_kay @kay_kay
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A loner that really want's friends
kay_kay @kay_kay
If you still need a friend I'm here
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