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hajimemashite fellow nihonjin

i heard this is where all the cool cats hang out and im interested in becoming a cool cat so here is my application. I like the anime and the manga and japan is a pretty neat place tl;dr local boy has no otaku friends and is lonely so you should really be his friend, he's also kinda cool, i guess, but only sometimes *I figured I should have a serious part to this post sooooo here you are -> Hi, my name's Dylan and, if you couldn't tell, I'm new here. Sometimes I'm very energetic/social and like meeting/hanging out with new people. Other times I'm in my room watching anime for 48 hours straight. Nice to meet you! serious tl;dr -> hi im new, wanna be friends?
Dec 07, 16 at 3:16pm
http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/103/522/14e.gif Ay, first one here Welcome to the site newbie, how are you doing?
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