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Your thoughts about trump winning the presidency

since when did America become Guilty until proven innocent?
@Animekirk Yes, ONE. ONE. And I'm sure there are others. There is also proof that some incidents are true. Why are you extrapolating one case to represent most cases? Why? @Semple Someone is guilty of something. Either hate crimes or lying. There is no way around it.
If someone tells you a load of information. several points. you have no evidence that anything they've said has been true or false. so you neither believe nor disbelieve what they've said. when you find out that one of the many things they've told you is false, it casts doubt on the remaining things they've said. if you then find out many more of the things they've said might also be false then it casts even further doubt on any remaining things. ESPECIALLY if you have very little, if any proof of any of the things they said being certifiably true. we're not talking at this point about 100% proof true or false. we're talking about reasonable doubt versus "credible reason to believe". and in that particular competition reasonable doubt is winning.
I've told you already, there is proof of some of these incidents being true. As I said, I'm not going to sit here and list them. If I show proof of one. You will say that's just one. If I show two, then you'll just say, oh that's only two. There's no point in doing that, just one false case doesn't represent the whole, neither would one true case. The burden of proof is skewed. You just want to harp on the one case that was proven false.
doubting is ALWAYS the safer and more honest option than belief in any situation where the truth is not known. opposite statements are "this happened" and "this did not happen". the opposite statements are not "this happened" and "this probably didnt happen" or "there is no reason to believe this happened" because the latter two are expressions of doubt. not claims of knowing the truth. I have no reason to believe in the legitimacy of these hate crime claims. so I doubt them. if you have evidence or proof of them being more than just "omg i woke up this morning and racist stuff was drawn on my garage" then please let me see this evidence. if you don't have any such evidence then you have failed to support your case and my justifiable doubt still stands.
Doubt can go either way. Your doubt follows your bias. You can doubt that these are true, or you can also doubt that they are false. I have no reason to show you proof. Like I said, me showing you one case that's true changes absolutely nothing. And it shouldn't. If you think most are false, then after I show you one or two true cases you should still continue to think most are false because that shouldn't be enough evidence to sway you.
so far I have no reason to believe that ANY of these cases are true. so you showing me ONE would go a long way to give me that reason. and you dont need to "doubt" that something is false. that's a double negative. "I dont think that didnt happen" lol so no your initial statement in that post is nonsense.
person 1: man walked on the moon person 2: I doubt that's true person 1: man did not walk on the moon person 2: I doubt that's true Double negatives are a rule of grammatical logic. Doubt is not a grammatically negative word. Doubt by definition suggests that you are uncertain or not confident that something is true. Whether a statement is positive or negative, that statement may or may not be true and so you can doubt it. And the same goes for information. Information that you receive can be doubted. If the information you receive says that something is false. You can doubt that information just as much as you can doubt information that says something is true. Fine. Here's one: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/grade-point/wp/2016/11/12/university-of-oklahoma-student-suspended-after-racist-social-media-sent-to-black-upenn-freshmen/ I'm sure someone will say, oh it's only one. But don't let that person be you. But like I said, it doesn't change anything. If there are 500 reported incidents it's only within reason that some are true and some are false. This one case doesn't change anything regarding the whole.
If the subject under review is an event. ie: a robbery, a rape, a hate crime, etc. then you can doubt it happened, or you can believe it happened. to doubt it didn't happen sounds retarded. as for the report, there is very little information in the article. It seems like someone sent racist images to their classmates in college over facebook or some other internet based sharing site. sounds like jackoffs who thought it was funny. it says in the report they apologized and the investigation is ongoing(im assuming to ascertain motive which would determine whether it was legitimate racist fueled attempt to instill fear, or some shitty, unfunny prank)so in this event there is also questions. we still dont know if this is some evil KKK college students who honestly want to kill minorities, or if it's young idiots who dont really wish harm on anyone.
Is motive really necessary to dictate whether something is racist or not? I'm sure those students feel perfectly great knowing that it was probably just a prank. Also, you obviously didn't read it. The incident involved someone at one school sending hateful, fear-instilling messages and images to students at another school, not classmates. And the apology you're talking about was from a paragraph discussing a previous incident from last year. If you're going to ask for proof, at least take the time read it.
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