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Your thoughts about trump winning the presidency

@Napalm: Great write ups. But I think most people completely missed why he acted the way he did throughout the running. He kept media attention on HIM. And that went a long way, you likely know why but I doubt most here do. Ron Paul. Look into when he ran, and the media blackout surrounding him. Trump already knew of all this media collusion with the Democrat administration, so he countered it. Not only that, he tricked them into free air-time for the entire election.
@Napalm I think it is ironic because congress would have never done anything to protect the rights for interracial marriage and many states would have never changed if not for the Supreme court decision. And I find that it relates very much to the gay marriage decision because that also wouldn't have changed without a supreme court decision. I think most people now accept interracial marriage as part of life, even if they don't like it. It would be very rare to find someone trying to invalidate a marriage because of it. But that perception only exist because the supreme court stepped up at a time when the popular sentiment was that there should not be interracial marriage. They made a decision that changed society, judicial activism as you call it. If you think everything should go by the process, step by step even with the case of interracial marriage, then fine. But I have relatives who probably wouldn't be married if that was the case, and I will hold no shame in stating I strongly disagree. Not to mention that congress is probably not the entity to deal with marriage anyway, based on the 10th amendment, since marriage is not explicitly delegated to federal authority.
Apparently you realized you can't win an argument based on the numbers and now you're resorting to conspiracies. Hillary had a wide margin of victory over Bernie. It only seems otherwise because Bernie had a lot of support from younger, college educated people who were very, very vocal in their support. Go ahead and continue believing whatever you want, I'm not going to argue with your sentimental notion of a great man representing the people who was somehow robbed by the rich elites in collaboration with the media and the political establishment. And no, I don't like her.
@Daggerfell: Yup, all these protestors should be going after the DNC for ignoring who their constituents wanted. Instead, they screwed Democrat voters, wanting to continue their series of "firsts," and their image of being progressive. This brings up a point with the GOP as well. For these past 8 years, the GOP has tried to copy the DNC's progressive platform. This is where we get the NeoConservatives. These people have taken over our party and pushed rhetoric that wasn't ours and we didn't want. Democrats have the New Democrats. Republicans have the Neo Conservatives. Neither are for what the party and voters stand for, yet both have dominated either side of the administration for well over a decade now.
I see your point Mario and the reason its not in congress is because domestic things like marriage are traditionally left to the states so state gov't would be the place to go. Again we walk a slippery slope if we let unelected people decide what the law is regardless of whether the outcome was acceptable. When I read the majority opinion on the case I totally missed the legal references because they were so scarce. Out of a 12 or so page piece it was only a few paragraphs of something relevant and the rest was flowery feel good stuff while nice has no place in SCOTUS. I also do agree especially since the early 90s that it would have been much slower if at all through congress (or each state).
The DNC did do Bernie dirty but im pretty sure HRC had more support but the HRC campaign really did muddy waters. Also to be honest Id have voted Sanders over Trump with some worried concessions of a liberal SCOTUS.
The PC crowd created their counter revolutionary and now they can't deal with it. The Electoral College prevented these voices from being drowned out in rural and less populated places. All the people wanting to denounce the EC need a civics lesson. Actually most liberals/progressives a civics and law class in the worst way.
@Daggerfell There's no doubt there were some people out get Bernie. But that's different than what you're saying. You're saying everyone was out to get him and that's the only reason he lost. Hillary simply had more support from the populous. The only argument you would have is if millions of votes were physically altered from Bernie to Hillary. There's no evidence that happened.
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