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Your thoughts about trump winning the presidency

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So many people are putting blame on Hillary and the DNC for not going with Bernie. Bernie was only strong with a subset of democrats. He didn't win the primaries for a reason, and it's not because it was rigged. If you look at voting demographics it looks like Bernie would have lost too. One of the most important deciding factors in this election seems to be the turnout and choices of non-college educated white persons. Neither Bernie nor Hillary would have been strong there. In addition, there was already a drop in minority turnout and support with Hillary, and Bernie struggled with minority voters.
If the electoral college didn't exist it wouldn't matter which states had a higher population anyway. We aren't voting state by state but rather as a whole nation. Why anyone defends the electoral vote baffles me.
Sanders did not win the popular vote. He lost it by about 3 million. He also lost almost every important state, by a lot. Virginia, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Florida, and Ohio. And he barely won in Michigan. His only main battleground state that he won handily was Wisconsin.
Why is no one on here reading? Yes he had 13 million votes. He lost BY 3 million. And it's convenient you just ignored how poorly he performed in the battleground states.
Mario wheres the irony in what I said - maybe an omission by not referencing the interracial thing. I merely lamented how it happened regardless of acceptance later on.
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