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yes, I'm a squirrel

Nov 07, 16 at 6:00pm
sorry that I don't come out of my tree to say hello, but I'm a bit scared of what other people might think of me, since I'm a squirrel and so on. So, my hobbies: running around collecting nuts favourite dish: nuts favourite films: ice age favourite cartoons: happy tree friends slogan: a squirrel in a tree is as happy as can be. Now, enough with the squirrel-jokes and puns. So, my real hobbies are a bit of anime, playing the guitar, banjo and a bit of mandoline, singing and making songs, playing handball and football/soccer. Not bad for a squirrel, huh?! :p (just trying to be funny) if you would ever like to know something about me, just ask me. cheers, the squirrel (no, I'm not a squirrel)
Nov 07, 16 at 6:28pm
holy shit its a squirrel
welcome to MO! Now someone I think needs to ask the important question... you present as a squirrel...but can you fly though? o.O
Nov 08, 16 at 7:35am
sure I can fly, look at this: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/IANwb_qT1gg/maxresdefault.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/03/12/article-0-1C38285100000578-398_634x395.jpg :p
Yo eekhoorn, why squirrels? *had niet verwacht om die username tegen te komen :p*
Nov 08, 16 at 6:57pm
This account has been suspended.
Nov 09, 16 at 6:16pm
goh, gewoon. Ik wou geen al te serieuze naam nemen.
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